(2) New Shiny LEGEND Promos, HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

Awesome we finally got the set list. However, it doesnt seem a very promising set. Guess I might have to pass on the pre release :/
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

So we got roserade, but not leafeon? What the heck is that. No Legend box? Besides a couple primes theres very little useful cards in this set.

This set is reminding me of Majestic Dawn, but worse.
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

You two can think that all you want, but come the PT-on Rotation, I'll be very glad I went to this pre-release.
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

so what do you guys think will be the most coveted card in this set?
how about after rotations?
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

Aww...No Leafeon in Unleashed...I agree with Kamaki ! It´s a shame ! *weeping all the time because of Leafeon*
Now I hope Leafeon will be in HS3...I absolutely don´t hope Leafeon will never be available in English...
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

Yay, all the great Supporters are in there. I'm happy~ ^-^
RE: (1) HS - Unleashed Set List, Scans Later [4/28]

LeafiaMidori said:
Aww...No Leafeon in Unleashed...I agree with Kamaki ! It´s a shame ! *weeping all the time because of Leafeon*
Now I hope Leafeon will be in HS3...I absolutely don´t hope Leafeon will never be available in English...

I think they're going to put all the Eevee evs in the next set. MAN they're messing stuff up. It'll take forever for us to get sorted out.

HOLY COW, I didn't even notice they were shiny. >.< How's that for attention to detail? I just went, ooh, new cards! Send! *facepalm*
The promos look pretty cool. I hope we get the same promos here as Japan and I hope they will be sold at reail stores so I can get them.:)
This set is kinda disappointing. Of all the cards I was looking forward to, I don't really see many. I originally was looking for Vileplume, Espeon, Umbreon, Rotom, Dodrio, Murkrow, and Togepi, but not a one is in the set. We don't even get Defender yet or the cool new Darkness/Metal Special Energies. Where's Legend Box?!?!

I kinda wish they just stuck with the original set and released the Battle decks as a separate set or something.
S Reaper Ichigo said:
We don't even get Defender yet or the cool new Darkness/Metal Special Energies. Where's Legend Box?!?!
I think it makes sense as far as the energies go, though. Scizor Prime's going to be the fun one as far as those are concerned, so holding them back for the set with Scizor will make the prereleases much more interesting.

LostSalamence said:
Also: No Alph Lithograph??
^This. Just... this. Maybe it's outside the list count? One can hope, anyway. It wouldn't make sense for them to give us one of the TWO we were supposed to get last set, and then not put in either of the ones we don't have yet in this set.
Great. Just great. No Leafeon (Which I was totally gonna play), no combee 9one of the only other OK cards in the set, no Vileplume, no defender.

Let's see, what do we have taht shows the slightest promise? Really, besides some of the trainers, a few primes, and MAYBE Blastoise, nothing I see will be the least bit format-changing. and I was really looking forward to a good set. :(
I'm bummed about Combee, but no Energy Exchange Unit either? Bah.

At least Interviewer's Question will help seek out those DCE.
Wow, PUSA really screwed things up with this set. Not only do we not get Leafeon, but they ruined the awesome reintroduction of Dark/Metal Pokemon by putting T-Tar and Stelix in the set. Why not put in the Raichu and Slowking Primes we haven't gotten?
TruTruSky said:
Wow, PUSA really screwed things up with this set. Not only do we not get Leafeon, but they ruined the awesome reintroduction of Dark/Metal Pokemon by putting T-Tar and Stelix in the set. Why not put in the Raichu and Slowking Primes we haven't gotten?

Considering how rare the Raichu Prime is, I doubt we'll see it.
ApachePrime said:
Considering how rare the Raichu Prime is, I doubt we'll see it.

Oh, please don't say that. >.< I'm hoping it's a secret rare somewhere down the line, like they did with espeon* & umbreon* in POP 5.
The promos look nice but this set list is extremely disappointing. I would rather have the actual Revived Legends set than missing HS cards and the battle starter decks, and if we are to have the battle starter decks, I at least expected Leafeon, but it does make sense for Leafeon to be with the rest of the Eevee evolutions in another set, including Umbreon and Espeon prime of course.

This set seems very similar to Majestic Dawn, even the release dates are alike, and both don't contain many good cards. Out of the given set list, the most intriguing card is Tyranitar Prime, which I think is most likely going to be the best card of the set.
i guess theyre just releasing 6 primes per set.
im assuming next set's prime would include:
? are there any else missing?