(2) October CoroCoro, Mew Wi-Fi Distribution Starts Friday for HGSS Players! [10/12]

Well, I got my Mew. For those interested:
Random nature.
Oct. 15, 2010
Wi-Fi Gift
Apparently had a
fateful encounter at
Lv. 5.

Dex No.: 151
Name: Mew
Type: Psychic
OT: FAL2010
ID No.: 10160
Exp. Points: 135
To Next Lv.: 44

As stated before, it has a Premier Ribbon (with the description of "Special Holiday Ribbon"), and comes in a Cherish Ball at Lv. 5. It only knows Pound and doesn't hold an item.

So yeah, I can finally say that I own a Mew!
Anyways, i finally understand daikenki. Its a sea dog! Thats what some people call sea otters, sea dogs.
Just thought i might share that. Also, the electric gym leader is still amazing to me.
RE: (2) October CoroCoro, Mew Wi-Fi Distribution Starts Friday for HGSS Players! [10/

I'm really pcyched about it, I just got it today. Btw: what phsychic did we have for Gen 4? We have one for every other gen (mew, celebi, jirachi and victini respectively)
Manaphy would be the equivalent of those. They don't have to be Psychic Type. They just need base 100 stats in everything.

Also, I got my two Mews. Yayyy. :]

dmaster out.
@ dmaster K, I guess it could.... anyway the 3rd gym leader looks really creepy, would have thought Hiun's leader could be less.... yeah.
I got my first Mew was well. So did my brother. He got a Timid-Natured one, lucky. :[
Mine's Hardy, so it's not totally bad.
Sweet! That's awesome that they're handing out mews again, just downloaded two of them today!
@ShadowLugia: I'm pretty sure you can save in front of the the delivery man and soft-reset for the nature that fits your specific needs.
I just found out that by squeezing myself against the bathroom window, I can get WiFi. I was SOOOO happy. My Mew has a docile nature. And its overworld sprite is adorable.

Bambu: Yeah, but where's the fun in that? :)
That's what I did, but I got the Hardy Natured one the first time.
i was able to get wifi connection at home but can't figure out how to download the mew. i went to mystery gift and not sure what to do next. i tried searching via wifi but it just keeps searching and searching. the little box in the upper right corner remains red. i think it has a key in it.

would someone be willing to walk me through the process step by step. My daughter and sons really want a mew. thanks in advance for any help.
Your router settings, if you're even using a router, might be the problem. I couldn't use Wi-Fi on my DS or Wii when I first got my router because they said they couldn't find the signal, even when I was sitting right next to the router. Turns out I had to disable some setting that requires you to log-in in order to use the wireless signal, which of course I couldn't do on the DS. Try looking at your router's settings and see if there's some log-in option you can turn off.
FINALLY!!! I have been waiting for this for such a long time! My friend has a Mew someone traded her, so i'm really happy that I can get one too. Can't wait until Friday!
I was starting to think we weren't going to get this Wi-Fi event outside of Japan. I can't wait until Friday! I have both HG and SS so I'm going to download two Mews!
i'm Glad we finally have Mew!! Event Pokemon now are so easy to come by, except Celebi right now.