(2) Pokemon Demonic?, 97 Classic Episodes Posted on Cartoon Network’s Website [12/15]

Noobnerd said:
It's these guys who make religion look horrible.

However, I don't think any of these claims are hilarious at all. I find them disturbing. It's very disturbing to have a fellow believer make these kind of sermons.

This just about sums up my thoughts.

It bums me out when people watch videos like this or hear about people that call themselves Christians just doing ridiculous things...

People get a bad idea of Christianity in general, because of a select group of crazy people.


TwilightErik said:
I hate this guy and he's a pedophile! I can't prove it but he does look like one. That's what you get for having ignorant close minded Christians preaching ignorance. I have to say he's most likely to be a Conservative Christian Republican because that's the stuff that that they talk about. I seen this video and it's pretty stupid it makes me want to go up to the guy and offend him much as possible.

My point exactly. I am a conservative, a Christian, and a republican, and I know many others that are as well, and none of "talk about this stuff" or whatever you mean. You can't take people like this guy in the video to represent and entire religion. Anyone can call themself a Christian, keep that in mind...
If we just got rid of religion and based ALL our thoughts on pure logic and reasoning, these kinds of things would never happen.

It's a sad world we live in, where religion is just another nuisance that causes war and bickering between different groups.
Bubba235 said:
This guy is right...kinda. He is right for some people that play Pokemon and wrong for others. The people that get WAY too into it, where it pretty much develops their lives to the point where they don't see that truth anymore, need to watch that video. But the people who do it as a simple hobby and time-killer, well, it's pretty much okay...

I agree. Playing the game could become a sin if you ignore your responsibility to Others and God because It consumes all of your time. And for that matter just about anything taken to excess could become sinful. But the guy on the video didn't make that point.
cristian_flores said:
you could of at least said it sarcastically
He did. You need to read up on internet sarcasm.

Bubba235 said:
This guy is right...kinda. He is right for some people that play Pokemon and wrong for others. The people that get WAY too into it, where it pretty much develops their lives to the point where they don't see that truth anymore, need to watch that video. But the people who do it as a simple hobby and time-killer, well, it's pretty much okay...

I'm pretty sure you've mistaken Pokemon for World of Warcraft and other MMOs, which were intentionally designed to pull pathetic people out of the gene pool.
Dances with Ninjas said:
I'm pretty sure you've mistaken Pokemon for World of Warcraft and other MMOs, which were intentionally designed to pull pathetic people out of the gene pool.

I'm a regular MMO player, WoW included, and took a bit of offense to that. Not all of us are what the stereotypes make us out to be. But I have to admit, some people are pretty dang close, if not already there.
I completely agree with him. Kids are learning ways to comand spirits to fight for them. This really should be taken seriously, kids are learning demonic even satanic things. I'm honestly wondering if I should quit this game...
masterryanx said:
I'm a regular MMO player, WoW included, and took a bit of offense to that. Not all of us are what the stereotypes make us out to be. But I have to admit, some people are pretty dang close, if not already there.
EVERY single anti-gaming special ever aired on television centers around MMO players with suicidal tendencies or kids festering with murderous intent whose parents thought it would be a good idea to buy them an FPS and hand them a firearm, but it's totally the game developer's fault. You can't deny that each genre attracts a certain demographic (though not as extreme as some people blow them up to be).

Don't worry, though, WoW makes for great pick-up lines with the ladies:
"So what do you do?"
"*****, I play World of Warcraft all day! I only came because my friends said I can find a legendary item called 'Epic ********' here."
RE: (1) 97 Classic Episodes Posted on Cartoon Network’s Website [12/15]

xxashxx said:
Awesome. If I get some time I may watch a few of these episodes. I wonder why some are not showing. Maybe they had bad or damaged tapes of those. They are pretty old.:)
I don't think that is the reason. Those episodes are in the dvd boxed sets.
RE: (1) 97 Classic Episodes Posted on Cartoon Network’s Website [12/15]

@Pokemon Demonic:

That guy's nuts. :-\ Pokemon does not Influence kids to "Practice Witchcraft" or whatever. :p He was acting like Pokemon was real and kids were tkaing these demonic monsters and destroying the world. :( Lunatics.

(Actually, I found that video quite LOLworthy :p )
pokenerd said:
@Pokemon Demonic:
That guy's nuts. :-\ Pokemon does not Influence kids to "Practice Witchcraft" or whatever. :p He was acting like Pokemon was real and kids were tkaing these demonic monsters and destroying the world. :( Lunatics.
(Actually, I found that video quite LOLworthy :p )

Well, I'm not too sure if Pokemon can influence kids to practice witchcraft, but Satan certainly can. And Satan will use anything to get people away from God, even if that means using a fun game like Pokemon. I'm just saying, I have seen it happen, and it is very easy for it to happen.
Dances with Ninjas said:
You can't deny that each genre attracts a certain demographic (though not as extreme as some people blow them up to be).

Don't worry, though, WoW makes for great pick-up lines with the ladies:
"So what do you do?"
"*****, I play World of Warcraft all day! I only came because my friends said I can find a legendary item called 'Epic ********' here."

You're correct about the genre bit, it's completely true. I was just pointing out that not everyone who plays WoW or other such games are pathetic, socially inept failures with no life. I can testify to this, as I still manage to go outside every once and a while, believe it or not.
This man also blatantly lied about Pokemon. He mentions that Pokemon Masters can channel the "demons'" powers through their body, which is completely untrue. Speaking of this, did anybody here know that Pokemon is banned as a franchise in Saudi Arabia?
RE: (2) Pokemon Demonic?, 97 Classic Episodes Posted on Cartoon Network’s Website [12

6-Dimension said:
This man also blatantly lied about Pokemon. He mentions that Pokemon Masters can channel the "demons'" powers through their body, which is completely untrue. Speaking of this, did anybody here know that Pokemon is banned as a franchise in Saudi Arabia?

I'm not sure if anyone doesn't know that.

witchcraft? definitely, pokemon has taught me to hate my neighbors and blast anyone who gets in my way with small pointy kites.