(2) Pokemon Origins, Sylveon Collection [9/26]

Adding to what CMP said and bringing in more chat to the TCG aspect of the article.... that blank is going to look hideous beyond belief.

With it being so dark (most likely a vibrant pink version of the Fire type background), it just looks weird and wrong. Regardless I guess I'll have to make the blank anyway...

Guess its lucky Nintendo are getting lazy yet again in the TCG and not using the new Gen as an opportunity to get some really slick looking new templates in. BW cards are really just not nice at all, the layout and whats used is just aweful and it looks like XY will use the same (if not a VERY minor tweak here and there).

Will see if we can get a hold of a nice HQ and rather large Fairy card (preferably with as little text on as possible, on the attack parts).
ECHOxLegend said:
As for origins is not like I haven't seen the trailer before.

Here are some new trailers I posted a week ago in another thread. ^^
The first one shows Giovanni, Oak's Eevee, Mewtwo, and Red's voice! (at least for the Japanese version). Along with some other clips.
The second one shows Brock yelling out something. If anyone can translate Red and Brock, I'd be interested. :3
Lex said:

New Pokemon Origins trailers

Also, this looks like the official site for the special? http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/origin/
It has even more trailers, the characters, etc.
Ha so we got a card before Japan...

So who was that person again yipping that we almost never do? *coughs loudly* anyways TAKE MY MONEY I WANT IT *throws money at screen*
MamsPokemon said:
Pause the at 0.35 in the Pokemon Origins trailer.
What Pokemon is that statue behind Red?

Already brought it up and everyone told me it's just a generic statue.
So what i'm wondering is how long will the episodes be? Will they be planning on going through all 8 leaders? How well will hey pull it off with such few episodes and such a small amount of time with the episodes?
Axell Starr said:
So what i'm wondering is how long will the episodes be? Will they be planning on going through all 8 leaders? How well will hey pull it off with such few episodes and such a small amount of time with the episodes?

Well since it's an hour and a half special divided into 4 parts each part will be 22.5 minutes? ._.