(2) Pokemon Ranch, Pokemon Platinum [5/11]

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I'm actually thinking of buying Platinium(I don't buy the improved versions usally). As long as I transfer pokemon from my Diamond to Ranch and then back to Platinium(can someone confirm this). And thanks WPM for posting this and the scans for MD.

Is that what they try to make sales go up? Make legendary Pokemon more "cool"? Ha, they better make some good storyline after the Pokemon League, like what they did in GSC. If they just chuck in some Battle *insert some tructure or place here*, I am not going to be pleased at all. I mean, what the heck do they make us do? Go around, beat gyms, and get badges? What will they make for the next Water gym? A Squirt Badge?
I know it has not been over 2 weeks since the last reply (13 days to be exact), but this news story is pretty much dead, please try not to revive news stories without a good reason, or ever for that matter.

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