(2) Reshiram and Zekrom in Thanksgiving Parade, HS Undaunted Sampling Pack [11/23]

Cool stuff. Pikachu's got two big floaty buddies. I don't really watch the Parade anymore, but it's always on in the background so I might tune in for a second to see them. Just a few more hours!

can't they just wait until 2011 when the games are already out!?

Why would they? They want to advertise the upcoming games before their release, and what better way to do that than with a huge balloon in the center of NYC during a heavily televised parade? Plus, by the time the next parade rolls around, the two B/W legends will be old news and they most likely wouldn't be included.
I have the parade recording right now. In a few minutes I'm going to downstairs to watch in on TV to keep watch.
Got my DVR set to record everything! No way I'm missing this. :D

I just can't wait to hear Meredith Vierra/Matt Lauer/Whoever try to pronounce Reshi's and Zekrom's names...I'm sure they'll botch them somehow, haha.
I'm tuned in right now - I caught a glimpse of Pikachu before they went to a commercial break. Hopefully I won't have to wait much longer.
Wait, Matt Lauer is going to be talking about it, i hope he does botch it and people laugh at him because what he did to Kanye(Kanye is one of my idol's) in that interview was cruel. Anyway, when exactly does Pokemon appear, do they usually appear at a specific moment? I hope someone puts it on youtube, i can't wait to see Reshi and Zek.
Pikachu and the gang are coming up, right after Kung Fu Panda! Should be after the next commercial.

EDIT: Well that sucked. They didn't even show Reshi and Zekrom. *Switches to NBC*
They were there, but they weren't floating balloons. They were riding along the ground on a vehicle. I managed to catch a small glimpse of Zekrom in the corner of the screen, but that was about it. Hopefully NBC actually gives them a little more attention.
AadmM your watching the one on NBC? I've been watching that one and I haven't even seen Pikachu yet. But same here, hope they give them a lot more attention.

I was watching it on CBS to start out, and they're about an hour ahead of NBC, I believe. So Pikachu should be coming up shortly for anyone watching on NBC.

EDIT: Wait, what? Are you guys still watching NBC? I still havent seen them yet. ;_;
Just saw them. They were floats, not balloons. Very well done, considering the fact that they must have not have a lot of time to make them.
Yeah agreed. And I got a good shot of Reshi and a decent shot of Zekky if anyone wants to see them, uploading them on my PC now. I liked that the NBC guy was talking about Black and White, but I bet the audience was really confused. But it was awesome that they showed them.
Where are you guys watching this? I totally missed them somehow! Did you guys see them on NBC or CBS?
I don't get it. I'm rewinding and fast-forwarding through my recording and I'm not seeing them ;_;

What floats came before them?