(2) Zoroark Movie Song, Additional 'Lost Link' Card Translations [4/7]

Card Slinger J said:
It's the new Stadium card Lost World that has people on edge, it's not just Gengar Prime. What I think is messed up is that If a Stage 2 hits the Lost Zone that's 3 Pokemon right there consisting of a Basic,
Stage 1, and Stage 2 and with Lost World saying that you can declare yourself the winner If there's 6 or more Pokemon cards in either you or your Opponent's Lost Zone that's just downright cheap.

Not sure if you're just typing faster than your thoughts, or misread the stadium. It doesn't allow one player to declare a victory if either has 6 or more pokemon cards in the lost zone, it allows either player to declare victory if their opponent has six or more in the lost zone. So, like most stadiums, it can work for you or against you, depending upon what you're opponent's doing, how/when it's played, etc. Just read these, but not sure it has to pertain to just pokemon as it says pokemon cards, not just pokemon. Isn't a trainer a pokemon card? Guess it'll depend on the final translation/and rulings.

Here is the text again:

Each player may, during his or her turn, end the game and declare himself or herself the winner if the opponent has 6 or more Pokemon cards in his or her Lost Zone.

Unless they ban lost world, Pokemon TCG just died. X.X

Turn 1: rare candy/BTS from gastly to Gengar. Attach to gengar. Put 1-2 absol g and 1-2 slowpoke/slowking on the bench. use Plunge into Darkness. 1 pokemon in the lost zone.

Turn 2: Attach to Gengar. Use second sight on your opponent. Level up 1-2 Absol G, sending up to 6 more cards to the lost zone. Use Plunge into darkness, sending 2 more pokemon to the lost zone. Good chance there are 6 by now.

Turn 3: drop lost world and win. If your opponent somehow avoided taking 6 pokemon to the lost zone, use Plunge into Darkness for 3 more for a guaranteed 6.

Turn 4: drop lost world and win.

In mirror match whoever goes second wins.

Dialga G is the only way to stop lost world from being played, and only if they can use deafen every turn.

Flygon's sand wall is irrelevant because the lost world player won't play it until it makes them win.
Eevil_One said:

Unless they ban lost world, Pokemon TCG just died. X.X

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be some sort of ban or errata for this card once it's released in the U.S. TPCi isn't stupid and If this card really does get out of hand they'll most likely ban or errata it. I've already addressed this possibility on PokeGym but I don't know If the Professor's got the memo or not.

Thing is If they do, I really don't want to see Nintendo or POP/PUI pull a Yu-Gi-Oh! on us by not just banning cards but restricting them as well which is a no-no. Card restrictions just hurt deck consistency as a whole but yet sadly Yu-Gi-Oh! and EDH in Magic gets away with it somehow but in Magic's case it's about being more Casual, less of a jerk, and being as janky as possible.

It's already bad enough that set rotations in a sense sort of hurt the Pokemon TCG but it also keeps it balanced at the same time and much better in terms of money investment than Standard Type 2 Magic where you won't be shelling out as much cash just to run a good deck.

Only 2 cards in the game have ever been banned well 3 If you count Birthday Pikachu, Neo Genesis Sneasel and Slowking one of which is getting reprinted ironically but in a different way.
Absol Prime just got worse for me, having to discard in the Lost Zone. Magnezone Prime is cool for draw, and Gengar Prime is nutsy broken. :O

I wish I could listen to that song because it sounds cool. Get it? Cool? Ice cream? Never mind...

dmaster out.
RE: (1) Additional 'Lost Link' Card Translations [4/7]

Card Slinger J said:
Correction, use Flygon RR's Sand Wall to discard Lost World before they have a chance to use it to win the game automatically and prevent all damage done to Flygon during their next turn. I'm surprised you didn't even realize that.

Otherwise just Counter Stadium with Broken Time-Space or some other good Stadium. Heck I can
see Dusknoir Lv. X being a good counter against Lost World once it becomes a Stadium card with it's
own Poke-Power.

They're not going to play the stadium before you have 6 Pokemon in the Lost Zone.
RE: (1) Additional 'Lost Link' Card Translations [4/7]

Muddy68 said:
It says your Pokemon, not Magnezone. Reread it if you don't believe me. The combo could work.

I can't believe in all this time no one corrected you.

Poke-Power: Rain Dance
You can use this power any number of times during your turn. Attach 1 Water Energy card from your hand to one of your Water-type Pokemon. This power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.