2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
Bubba235 said:
Eh, I don't believe the Rapture will come either. There are many prophecies that must come first before the Rapture begins. It's just too early...

Just to clarify, I wasnt saying that the rapture would come in 2012, just at some point in time, and those are my honest beliefs, i dont care if anyone disagrees, i will believe what i will believe. sorry
lol! I believe in the Rapture big time. (I is very religious. :D). I just misunderstood you. =/
Bubba235 said:
lol! I believe in the Rapture big time. (I is very religious. :D). I just misunderstood you. =/

All I believe is that there's a higher being people call god and that's good enough for me.
This is the best way I can explain the Rapture.

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. " (1Thes. 4:16-17)
the rapture is explained differently between the translations of the bible, but the one most easily understood is: Jesus returns to Earth and takes all people who are worthy to stand by God in Heaven (have no sin on their soul at the time) and also all elderly people, and all children that are too young to understand that they have sinned (i.e. around 12 years and younger) then the antichrist is supposed to appear as a man who survived a tragic accident as a young child and persuades the world to join him. then the tribulation begins (read Revelations in the Bible for a more in-depth explanation of the Tribulation). After the tribulation ends and the antichrist is overthrown, Jesus once again returns to earth and rules for 1000 years. That's basically the way the Left Behind books describe it.
Maybe the mayans ran out of room on the rock they were carving there calender on. idk but I don't believe a single word of it.
valk said:
Maybe the mayans ran out of room on the rock they were carving there calender on. idk but I don't believe a single word of it.

lol that accualy could be possible, unlikley but possible
pluse the mayans are millions years in the past
their genius might be a average person
Bubba235 said:
I just want to hear the PokeBeacher's thoughts on the 2012 'end of the world' claim.
I believe it is very wrong. They may say, 'You were warned', but there have been so many wrong accusations...
i think its fake. im a religious person though so that may be why...
It's just the end of a full cycle of the mayan calendar, so naturally some of them thought it was going to be the end of the world. I've also heard it has something to do with a certain alignment of the planets on that date but I honestly don't care enough to look it up.
I really don't believe in this nonsense. This is just a scam to make people watch the 2012 movie which is coming out in November.
I believe in the end but I'm one of the few. The movie looks cool as well. <333

dmaster out.
The world ending is an untrumpable story. Aliens? Pfft, that's nothing after the world has exploded into a stampeding ball of fiery death. Intergalactic travel? You won't be travelling nowhere when the universe is gravitated into a tiny ball of immense destruction. This means if you want a story, the best ones all involve our deaths. It's seen constantly time and time again in books, tv and games - what does the evil villain want? To suck the life out of the earth with a straw and then spit the resulting juice into the sun causing it to explode and destroy everything ever. According to the media we've all died countless times and we're all going to die countless more times in the near future. Solar flares in 2012 you say? I'd love to see the predicted solar flares in 2010, 2011 and 2013 for that matter. Besides that, solar flares are happening constantly. If it does anything, it'll probably slightly increase the rate of cancer or something. "Solar flare" by no means depicts a giant blast of flaming sun obliterating the Earth and all its inhabitants.
No Pokemaniac, their calender did go all they way to 2012. And I believe it because there's one thing you all missed, not just the Mayans had their calender end at whatever the date is on 2012. In fact 90% of all the earlly civilzation's had it if they had a calender which most of them had. But the freaky part is that they all had that day down to the last minute. All of them did? How can it be that big of a councidence. But even if the world does end I believe I will go onto a happier place, so yeah.