2013 rotation

A Black and White On rotation would be in contention for one of the stupidest moves Pokémon has ever made. There would be no way to search out basics, except with things that have Call for Family. The format would be severely luck based, and stage 2's would be completely unplayable. You would have to draw into your desired basics with hand refresh cards, meaning you would rarely hit 2 of a basic you need to get a stage 2 out, so an overpowered basic would simply Catcher kill the one basic you were able to draw into. There was a reason Pokémon made Call of Legends the way it is. No Primes or Legends, and reprints of cards that they feel are healthy for the format. The only two things that I could see happening are a Call of Legends On rotation, or no rotation at all. Anything else would astonish and upset me beyond belief.

@ furn: lol, Call of Legends did not make much money when it was printed, or at least in relation to other sets, trust me. Keep in mind that it was printed in a MD-on format, so about 99% of the cards were terribly unplayable. You would get laughed, then go 1-6 at if you were playing Cleffa, Tyrouge, Sage's Training at a tournament.

As for Durant being dead, here is my reasoning. It will have at least one more good run at a tournament, if not more. People play Heatmor to counter Durant, so eventually, people will stop playing Durant. Then, once Durant is viewed as non-existent, people will stop carrying Heatmor because they feel it is a waste of a deck slot. It is at this point when Durant will be the most playable, no one will be expecting it. A couple clever, clever individuals who can observe a format, will take some big tournaments with Durant.
A Black and White On rotation would be in contention for one of the stupidest moves Pokémon has ever made.
I shall put it up on the 'stupidest moves' list, right below printing Basic Pokemon with 180 HP.

Anything else would astonish and upset me beyond belief.
Just for you saying that, I will push for a Dark Explorers-on rotation. That would be hilarious. :p

It is at this point when Durant will be the most playable, no one will be expecting it. A couple clever, clever individuals who can observe a format, will take some big tournaments with Durant.
Then they had better think up one heck of a good trainer engine to do so.
I want Durant to succeed as much as anyone else, but with the impending rotation - if there is one - it probably will not do very well, not without some serious planning.
based on what Vulpix has posted above, I have amended my earlier post for a CoL-on format

Major Cards lost: collector, Junk Arm, typhlosion prime, seeker, celebi prime, black belt, electrode prime, shaymin, magnezone prime, twins and vileplume.

which removes the following decks from the metagame:

Rerishplosion, ZPST and variants, Magnezone and Variants, passive trainer lock (compared to the zebrika aggro-trainer lock), MTC/CMT etc. and CaKE/CoKE.

only real difference between CoL-on and BW-on is that durant is still playable with dual balls and we get to keep deck-thinning staple cards. More of the same really
@ DNA:

Keep in mind that everything would be slowed down, and Durant will still have its disruption cards. This makes the disruption even more devastating. The loss of Twins and Collector would really hurt it though.

Dark Explorers On would sure make for a heck of a card pool, you know the format is solid when Switch isn't legal. Dark Explorers On would be even more hilarious if they gave a Mesprit Uxie LA's power, made it the worlds promo, and changed the name of the Shiny Pokémon Catcher to Pokémon Cathcer. At this point everything would be hilarious.

On a side note, I am terrified that we are already talking about another rotation. The last one nearly killed me.
From my standpoint, I don't care too much about the rotation one way or the other, really. I am a judge and a professor foremost, and a player when I feel like it - mostly to have fun. I'll admit it, with all the big basics running around, it is very difficult to make fun off-the-wall decks that don't always rely on giants like Zekrom and Terrakion. But I've done it, and although I don't top-cut, my decks are moderately successful. (And fun! I get tons of compliments on them.)

I would prefer CoL-on over BW-on, but at this point in time I see both as being equally likely. With CoL-on we will keep Dual Ball, PONT, and a few other fun things at the very least, but do we want the game to slow down a bit? Probably, which is why BW-on is equally feasible.
But my opinion on a rotation has always been "come at me, bro" :p
I really don't see how it could be anything except BW-on, especially due to the fact that Call of Legends was not a set released in Japan. So there is no way in the world TPCI would do a rotation where everyone else has a set full of staples that only Japan does not get. The Dragon Sets just released in Japan will be our Autumn set, and it has been announced that the next Japanese set, our Winter set, will be a reboot set similar to HGSS or BW, and I would venture a guess that that set will have numerous items and staples in it. A CoL-on rotation just doesn't make sense from a global standpoint.
^ I agree. And I hope you are right about the deck staples. You can really use nothing in decks bw-de in terms of supporters. I wonder what they will be called.....
The whole Trainer-Item revision, the changing from Poke-Power/Body to just Abilities, and as stated above, Japan never got Call of Legends. All that together should make it seem pretty obvious, in my opinion. It's gotta be BW-on.
I'm actually hoping that it will be BW-on for the same reason most people hope that it will be CoL-on: loss of Dual Ball and Collector. You may think, "Why would you want to make drawing basics luck reliant?" It doesn't, There's a little card called Level Ball out. I'm not sure why nobody else realizes it, but without Dual Ball or Collector, Level Ball is going to be the basic searcher card of choice. But guess what-it can search out every single basic, a couple stage 1s, and even 2-3 Stage 2s...except all of the BW legendaries and EXes! This is a perfect way to cripple those cards that are currently dominating our format. Even so, I wish they'd release another draw supporter before they rotate, but that looks pretty much impossible.
Based on the most recent deck articles of http://ptcg.creatures.co.jp/data/11333 (press the blue button in the top-right corner of the page for translation), japan seems to have moved their main, modified game beyond HGSS, meaning they don't care if we lose CoL.

they don't use junk arm, PONT, sage, collector or dual ball. Nothing from the HGSS-line sets. (I am aware of battle-palace, but there is no mention of this on the web page or how to play the deck outside of that format), just a lot of bianca, cheren and random receiver (with the new villain-twin supporter in and PONT out, bianca is much more playable)

I'm not sure if the japanese have fully rotated yet (because I've only seen one fan-site and the official one doesn't translate well), it is still an interesting look at the possible future, for when we get the rotation.

oh and for anyone who does speak japanese, what does: http://www.pokemon-card.com/howto/playrule/pdf/official_rule_DS.pdf ,say about set rotations?
It doesn't, There's a little card called Level Ball out. I'm not sure why nobody else realizes it, but without Dual Ball or Collector, Level Ball is going to be the basic searcher card of choice. But guess what-it can search out every single basic, a couple stage 1s, and even 2-3 Stage 2s...except all of the BW legendaries and EXes! This is a perfect way to cripple those cards that are currently dominating our format.
...I am so stupid.
Dark Void said:
I'm actually hoping that it will be BW-on for the same reason most people hope that it will be CoL-on: loss of Dual Ball and Collector. You may think, "Why would you want to make drawing basics luck reliant?" It doesn't, There's a little card called Level Ball out. I'm not sure why nobody else realizes it, but without Dual Ball or Collector, Level Ball is going to be the basic searcher card of choice. But guess what-it can search out every single basic, a couple stage 1s, and even 2-3 Stage 2s...except all of the BW legendaries and EXes! This is a perfect way to cripple those cards that are currently dominating our format. Even so, I wish they'd release another draw supporter before they rotate, but that looks pretty much impossible.

Heh, and Heavy Ball will be able to search for a lot of the rest of the cards, namely most Legendary Pokémon, a good chunk of the EX cards, and bulky evolved Pokémon like Emboar and Aggron. The only cards left out would be Pokémon with more than 90 HP and a retreat cost of less than 3, which I think will mess with some cards' playability in undesired ways.

Me, I will support anything that diversifies the game and oppose anything that limits it. It's why I dislike cards like Pokémon Catcher and anticipating cards like Bouffalant (the latter, incidentally, would be one of those cards that can't be searched by either). The question is if a Black/White onwards rotation will help or hurt with diversification. I don't know for sure, but I think it'd help diversify it. The more archetypes destroyed without powering up the remaining ones, the better.
As of right now, if we do rotate to BW-on, we would have these cards to set up with.
Level Ball
Heavy Ball
Ultra Ball
Great Ball
Pokemon Communication
Numerous basic Pokemon with single and double "Call for Family" attacks

That could realistically work. My fellow teammates and I had been discussing how the format can go away a little bit from the big basics like the dragon trio, genie trio, and Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion, and this set up system could just be the ticket. All of them are to big for Level Ball and Heavy Ball can only get Terrekion, leaving the only other way to get them is by communicating for one or getting it off a Great Ball, which is not guaranteed. Of course you can get them off a "Call for Family", but that would not make them useable until turn 2. I really like how this is working out to slow down the format so that it is allowing and even encouraging stage 1's and 2's. Although I do think we may get another Collector type Supporter in BW6, I hope it is not a reprint of Collector, maybe something a little less powerful, but I'm not sure. I am genuinely excited for Dark Explorers and the Dragon set, but I have extreme interest in what this "reboot" set (a new base set) gives us far as fun Items, Supporters, and *GASP* Stadiums!?!?!
I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Supporter that's a compromise between Dual Ball and Collector - i.e. "Search Deck for 2 Basics".
I haven't heard anything about the reboot set, but I think it's either too soon unless they mean a reboot of the HGSS cards. BW was already a reboot of the card game itself.
Here in the Philippines, we are already prepared for it. Zek-Eel, 6C, and VVVs. But since the great Primes will be out (Typhlosion, Magnezone, Donphan, Steelix, Celebi), there are several things that will be hard to miss (like LuxChomp):

DonkPhan or DonChamp
ZPST (now Zek-Eel)

Also, the best T/Su/St sets have released in HS-CoL. Draw power, search power, and return powers are the contents of every deck in the year. Some are of this are:
Pokemon Collector
Rare Candy (but I know it will be reprinted)
Sage's Training
Junk Arm

Almost everything will be gone. But I hope it will be reprinted..
I have a good feeling that it will be BW-on. This is based off the patterns that have been done in previous rotations. When the first set of the new generation comes out, it usually paves the way for the rotation of most of the remaining previous generation sets (as what happened in the transition to the HP-on format and the recent transition to HS-on). After that rotation, the following rotation will remove all of the remaining previous generation sets (like what happened to the transition to the DP-on format back then). With that in mind, I firmly believe the 2012 rotation is going to be BW-on.

If it will be BW-on, the only major problem I see with it is the lack of supporters. BW-on has very little supporters as of now; to date, there are only six, and only half of them are good right now (all of them draw cards: Juniper, Cheren, and N). Bianca, Cilan, and the Bad Team supporter aren't really that big compared to the others, but because of the lack of major draw power BW-on, Bianca could take a rise, and Cilan would see play because of the fact it would be the only major energy search card that could grab energies from the deck. The Bad Team supporter would still be iffy to play since it is flippy, but it could be simply teched for luck purposes to see if one will get lucky to reduce an opponent's hand dramatically. For me, I really hope they will print more good supporters and stadiums (Tropical Beach and Skyarrow Bridge are the only playable stadiums, so we need more good stadiums too)
I'm fairly certain it will be BW-on.

I think the move away from constant supporter/hand refreshers is purposeful.

I also do not think that we will see a trainer like junk arm again.

I'm speculating that they will slow the game down, and force people to make harder choices when constructing their decks.

There is a lot of complaints about lack of supporters and lack of search if it is BW-on, but its still going to be there to an extent. This is probably better for the game.

Pokemon Searching
Call Family Basics

Random Receiver - guaranteed supporter, but forces you to limit your supporter choices for your deck

Sableye DE - sudo junk arm replacement

Maybe I am wrong, but I think it will allow for greater variety in deck composition.

Also I would really love for it to be BW-on so Durant will be gone. No matter what though we get a nice tech counter with heatmor in Dark Explorers :D

{C} 10+
If the Defending Pokémon is Durant, this attack does 50 more damage.
Fyi it's spelt "pseudo" not "sudo", and we also have Pokemon Communication as well. But yeah, there's no way that any rotation would leave us hanging - BW-on still gives us plenty of options.

It won't eliminate Durant by any means; it'll see a sharp decrease in play, but there will be people who will adapt to the new format and find new ways to play Durant. Then when no one is running Heatmor anymore, they will take the format by storm. Mufufufufu.
Call of Legends packs have been in a lot of collection boxes lately, not just the Forces of Nature box. I don't think that's really a hint one way or the other about what the rotation would be. It tells us nothing.