2024 “Ultra-Premium Collection” Releasing in November!

They better not cut the Terapagos SIR from the Terapagos set, I would be very annoyed lol
The Terapagos SIR is already confirmed to be in the set, but it’s possible Terapagos doesn’t get a full art since we know there are only 7 FA’s in the set but 8 Stellar Crown ex’s. Then the Terapagos FA could feature in this set.
Those 3 card frames are very lackluster. The one I got from the Premium Collection of Meowscarda couldn't even hold the cards in place and the stand was a joke, just stick to the free playmats
I thought the frame itself was really nice but the stands on those were criminal. I almost threw away the one from my Skeledirge box because it just looked like part of the packaging! They should've stuck with the nice weighted ones like what the Charizard and Gyarados boxes had
I theorize and personally believe,that the 3 Promos for this collection, would be the 3 Loyal Three(Okidogi-Fezandipiti-Munkidori) Special Illustration Rares that got cut from our Twillight Masquarade set,they are a 3's set and after they got cut from TWM they are not included also on Shrouded Fable,thats kinda weird
I theorize and personally believe,that the 3 Promos for this collection, would be the 3 Loyal Three(Okidogi-Fezandipiti-Munkidori) Special Illustration Rares that got cut from our Twillight Masquarade set,they are a 3's set and after they got cut from TWM they are not included also on Shrouded Fable,thats kinda weird
The Loyal 3 alt arts from TWM are appearing in SFA.
Both the Illustration Rares that were cut from Twilight Masquerade and the Special Illustration Rares of the Loyal Three from Night Wanderer are in Shrouded Fable.
Are you sure,cause we have the complete set list for Shrouded Fable and im pretty sure they where not in,did i missed something?!? 🤔
Are you sure,cause we have the complete set list for Shrouded Fable and im pretty sure they where not in,did i missed something?!? 🤔

[072] IR Munkidori (Mask of Change, TWM#095)
[073] IR Fezandipity (Mask of Change, TWM#096)
[074] IR Okidogi (Mask of Change, TWM#111)
[090] SIR Okidogi
(Night Wanderer)
[091] SIR Munkidori
(Night Wanderer)
[092] SIR Fezandipiti
(Night Wanderer)