2025 Standard Format Rotation Announced for April!

Really wish i could play this game without iono and boss. I think that's part of why pocket is doing so well- you don't really ever have to worry about having all of your progress completely shot in the head. I hope, during gen 10, the next bosses's has a downside and they just reprint Cynthia. Good riddance to these cards, it's always fun to have a healthier, smoother game : )
ptcg is already criticized in the card game scene for being very rigid and not having counter actions, there were many metagames where the winners were simply decided by whoever played first. removing gust effects (boss, catcher, etc.) and disruption (iono, stamp etc.) would make the game much more unbalanced, luck-based, and of course, boring. But yeah, you could adopt a "newbie" format, like the one seen on battle academy.
So we are officially starting the "ex Pokemon only" era. How has the metagame been? Haven't played since the mess that was Sun and Moon. Did it slow down? I thought that was a huge point of reintroducing ex Pokemon.
A bit, but it's definitely about to slow down more with all the Vs and SWSH draw engines rotating out, and budew coming out this week. There are a lot of stun options right now.