(3) 12th Movie Information / 5th Generation Pokemon?, DP104 and 105 Summary [12/4]

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Hmm... It definitely looks like a new Pokemon... It has weird black ear things.
very excited for the news next saturday! :D i love electric types, i hope its a brand new adorable one!!! i guess we will find out soon. i hope it's not elekid, ahahaha... (kidding, it so won't be).

darkrai episode was a letdown, but the rotom episode totally made up for it. they were all so hilarious, i couldn't stop laughing :D
well, yeah, every generation will... but we can't be sure that's what this pokemon is! a LOT of electric pokemon are small cute and yellow.

its movements and the black parts look like a shinx or luxio's spikey butt... but they aren't yellow or new, and i bet those parts are only being made black to hide details. who knows! it's exciting though :D
Why is Cresselia there in the very end of the trailer? Is it in the movie?
Yeah I noticed the Cresselia at the end of the trailer to, is it in the movie, or was it just going back to the episode?
That's really cool. I didn't actually believe there would a 5th gen Pokemon, or at least for a while. I'll be excited when it is revealed. I wonder what it's form is like, and what new species it is... The 12th movie is going to packed full with other suprises besides this. :)

Also, the new DP episodes seem cool. They both include rare Pokemon which is nice, and a second appearence with Darkrai. I've yet to see Heatran in the anime, and wonder when. I wonder when DP 104 and 105 they will air in America... ;)
Well, all I can tell is the triangular shape seen on the left of the new Pokémon's head stays still, while the other bushy-shaped object on the right sways as it moves.

As for the movie... My gosh, my heart was beating so fast! That's gotta be Arceus! O_<;; Must... have... Arceus!

My thoughts: Why are Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina rising from the water? Did something flood the area, or did something knock them into the ocean? Was there something at the bottom of the water?

The temple is awesome - glad to see the Parthenon was mimicked in the film. Too bad it's CG, though.

I love the tablet that depicts the three dragon gods and a mysterious light overhead... :D
The (?) Pokémon's ears looks like Pikachu's but doubled. I hope we don't have more Pika cr*p that Nintendo can market the hell out of as a mascot.
Divine_Light said:
The (?) Pokémon's ears looks like Pikachu's but doubled. I hope we don't have more Pika cr*p that Nintendo can market the heck out of as a mascot.
Wishful thinking ._.

There WILL be a pikachu clone, the only real question here is if that's the one or not.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Divine_Light said:
The (?) Pokémon's ears looks like Pikachu's but doubled. I hope we don't have more Pika cr*p that Nintendo can market the heck out of as a mascot.
Wishful thinking ._.

There WILL be a pikachu clone, the only real question here is if that's the one or not.

Maybe Nintendo's finally ready to start making new evolutions/more stages of evolution for Pokémon? :0 (I'd hate it if they did that...)

Nah, it'll probably just be a Pika Clone. I don't see it being a baby Pokémon of any of the current Electric-types, unless Electrike or Pachirisu get it... Which is extremely unlikely.
Just because it's supposedly an Electric-type doesn't mean it is a Pika clone. They probably just showed it with Pikachu because it too is Electric.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Just because it's supposedly an Electric-type doesn't mean it is a Pika clone. They probably just showed it with Pikachu because it too is Electric.

I guess that's true... I just noticed that it has the bushy-shaped object on both sides of its head, and not just the one side, as I previously thought... Gah! I can't make out its shape other than the fact it may have ears and might float... But it definitely starts in the air, then lands(?) on Pika's tail, then sways to the sides for a moment... Then I see the triangular shape again... it might be a tail. So it might not float...

Awesome. I'm glad a 5th gen is close to being revealed. (if that's what it is)

New Pokemon have appeared with Pikachu before. (remember Togepi?) Doesn't mean it has to be a Pikachu clone. It just gives people something to recognize with. "Oh, thats a Pokemon, see! There's the Pikachu beside it! That's so cool!"

Heh. This may be the best movie yet. The inspiration from Greece is very cool.

Hmmm? Could Cresselia be in the movie also? I think that was just going back to the episode.
Why does that supposedly new pokemon remind me of calumon for some reason? -_-

Anyway, maybe it's some sort of freakish new forme of arceus. Highly doubt it, though. Besides that lucario movie, the important poke's are legendaries. Maybe that "new pokemon" might be some sort of short electric legendary thing. But at the same time, it might not be, since I don't see the point in revealing a 5th gen legendary so early.

I dunno, just a theory.
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