(3) 15th Anniversary Set, Oshawott/Tepig Boxes, Autumn Friendly Tourney [10/8]

Price to feed a starving child in Africa: 25 Cents

Price to save 40 lives through life-saving disease immunization shots: 40 Dollars

Price of a shiny box of Pokemon Cards: 40$

Making the right decision: Priceless


Chose wisely brethren
Doesn't even look that special or good. Thought they would reprint a special card or two and put that in the box instead of a Reshiram and Zekrom FA. Nothing to do with base set :(.
I actually think it looks pretty cool. The golden text on top of the full body art makes it look more of a collector's item, compared to some of the other "collector's" cards over the years. Still not worth the price though, unless I'm misunderstanding what's included.
Wow it has been 15 years since Pokemon started? Man time sure flies. I wonder why there were no Snivy Promos to got with Tepig and Oshawatt. Kind of a blow because they only did 2 of the starters and not all 3 XD.:)
Sorry, it's not $40, it's $52. I was going by the rate when I went to Japan, which is completely outdated now. LOL.
xxashxx said:
Wow it has been 15 years since Pokemon started? Man time sure flies. I wonder why there were no Snivy Promos to got with Tepig and Oshawatt. Kind of a blow because they only did 2 of the starters and not all 3 XD.:)

There was, it was posted a month earlier like the update said. We already had the scans for snivy promo for awhile now.
Well, I don't know about everyone else, but those 15th anniversary promotions look really nice to me. Those sleeves look really nice, and that playmat looks great. I just wish it wasn't double sided. Oh well, that's what scissors are for.

Those full art Reshiram and Zekrom look amazing. That stamp…
Those damage counters would be fun to use, no doubt, and better than most of the cardboard Trubbish we get state-side. And, OH ARCEUS don't even start me on that coin. (I'm a sucker for good coins [Again, not like the Trubbish we get over here])

I just wish PUSA would release some of these collectors items here in America, don't you? (I definitely think that that stuff is worth $40, I mean, two sets of 65 sleeves alone is around forty…)
If the sleeves were gold with silver Reshiram/zekrom i would buy it, but they are just sleeves with text on them
At least it's something for the 15th anniversary. Right when the big 10th anniversary with Journey Across America was ending, PUSA said something along the lines of "...Goodbye for now, and we'll see you during Pokemon's 15th anniversary!".

I could be imagining things, but I'm very certain that was said. Too bad it wasn't followed through on.

But an online tournament. Nifty.
Oh pretty sweet but, a few more cards would have sweetened the deal--say, from Base Set?

Here's hoping we get some sweet Trubbish here Stateside! :ninja
ramsey1993 said:
Thought they would reprint a special card or two and put that in the box instead of a Reshiram and Zekrom FA. Nothing to do with base set :(.

No kidding. A special Pikachu, or reprints of the Stage 2 starters from base set or something would have made a lot more sense.

This set unopened may be worth a lot in the future. Anytime something is so expensive people don't buy it it ends up being hard to find later.
...that's...genuinely cool. Hopefully the sleeves and playmat are of good quality.
First of all, I've heard serious collectors justify taking out loans to buy cards when they were short on cash, so $52 dollars will be less than a drop in the bucket for those sorts of people.

The problem here is that reissuing two newer cards is an incredibly underwhelming way to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the franchise. I know Zekrom and Reshiram are the new hotness but, realistically, they're going to lose their luster in a few years and even in the context of the card game itself I doubt anyone's going to still care about these cards the way people might still remember Base Set Charizard, Hitmonchan, Neo Genesis Slowking, Flying Pikachu -- now, they're is a bit of a problem in mining nostalgia because recent sets already have gone through the motions of reprinting iconic classic cards and it actually is somewhat refreshing to have a major TCG print NOT be Pikachu. But if they could've found a way to represent a variety of iconic cards in a number of sets that represent the entire span of 15 years instead of just one and made it available at a reasonable price point (correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt even the international Pikachu set cost this much) that could've been much more interesting than what they've done here..

But this form of commemoration (two cards and some stuff most people will put away hoping it increases in value rather than ever use) is incredibly underwhelming and at an inaccessible price for some. I hope the international markets do something a bit 'catchier' for their 15th anniversary commemorations, and I hope that something more interesting, like an entire set celebrating all previous sets instead of two cards representing a single one, gets planned for the 20th anniversary.

(PS Long-time lurker, but not first time poster. Didn't mean to register a new account just to post this comment, but my old account is associated with an e-mail I lost the password for a long time ago.)
DMYSYS said:
First of all, I've heard serious collectors justify taking out loans to buy cards when they were short on cash, so $52 dollars will be less than a drop in the bucket for those sorts of people.

The problem here is that reissuing two newer cards is an incredibly underwhelming way to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the franchise. I know Zekrom and Reshiram are the new hotness but, realistically, they're going to lose their luster in a few years and even in the context of the card game itself I doubt anyone's going to still care about these cards the way people might still remember Base Set Charizard, Hitmonchan, Neo Genesis Slowking, Flying Pikachu -- now, they're is a bit of a problem in mining nostalgia because recent sets already have gone through the motions of reprinting iconic classic cards and it actually is somewhat refreshing to have a major TCG print NOT be Pikachu. But if they could've found a way to represent a variety of iconic cards in a number of sets that represent the entire span of 15 years instead of just one and made it available at a reasonable price point (correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt even the international Pikachu set cost this much) that could've been much more interesting than what they've done here..

But this form of commemoration (two cards and some stuff most people will put away hoping it increases in value rather than ever use) is incredibly underwhelming and at an inaccessible price for some. I hope the international markets do something a bit 'catchier' for their 15th anniversary commemorations, and I hope that something more interesting, like an entire set celebrating all previous sets instead of two cards representing a single one, gets planned for the 20th anniversary.

(PS Long-time lurker, but not first time poster. Didn't mean to register a new account just to post this comment, but my old account is associated with an e-mail I lost the password for a long time ago.)


I was wondering why I couldn't find that Tepig box anywhere...I haven't been to Target since Black and White first came out.