• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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3 Deck Ideas For States (all advice welcome!)

Which deck should be used?

  • Hydro Pump (Blatoise/Feraligatr)

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Miasma Wind (Leafeon/Roserade)

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Electric Barrier (Raichu/Manectric)

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters


Begone Lost World...
Hiya people,
I got the idea from heyboy963 and Captoats click here for heyboy963 and here for captoats (Sorry if i copied too much guys, tell me if you want my post deleted) Check them out! I have a couple different ideas for states. Unlike theres they are all different types of pokemon instead of a single type. I really need help so all suggestions and criticism are welcome!!!
First Idea: Blastoise UL/Feraligatr Prime
Pokemon- 21
4-2-4 Blastoise (2 Wash Out UL, 2 Dig Well PL)
3-2-2 Feraligatr Prime
2 Uxie
1-1 Suicune/Entei Legend

4 Bebes
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Good Rod
4 Interviewers Question
4 Rare Candies
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Fisherman

NRG- 14
12 {W}
2 DCE {C}{C}
2 {R}

Strategy- Start off with any Totodile or Squirtle and hopefully Pokemon collector (if i don't have enough basic) and a rare candy hopefully get a Bebes or Pokemon Comunication and get Feraligatr to start putting on energies with interviewers and get blaistoise on so i can start tanking!! and i like Suicune/Entei because it takes less energies (only 3 to do a 100 damage on the opponent and 3 energies to do 80 plus burn)so please don't ask to get rid of it!!

Second Idea: Leafeon UD/ Roserade UL
Pokemon- 22
4-3-1 Leafeon X (Main Attcacker) (Undaunted Leafeon, 2 RR Eevee, 2 Ud Eevee)
1-1 Shaymin X (Tech) (It has the Poke-Body Thankfulness)(126/127 Platinum) (Platinum Shaymin 14/127 Aroma Flower)
3-1-3 Beedrill (2nd attacker and Tech) ( 2 Unleashed, 1 Rising Rivals)
2-2 Roserade (Tech) (Unleashed)
2 Uxie (Tech) (Legends Awakened)

1 Luxuary Ball
2 Pokemon Collectors
1 Expert Belt
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Rescue (thinking about taking it out for switch, another uxie or Good rod)
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Fisherman
2 Interviewers Question
3 Rare Candy

Energies- 17
3 Rainbow Energies
9 Grass Energies
3 Psychic Energies

Strategy- Start out with a basic pokemon (doesn't really matter) get out Leafeon, Roserade and Shaymin X as fast as possible! attach a Expert belt to Leafeon and attach a Rainbow or different energy to Roserade to be hitting with 70 or 100 HP!!! Shaymin X for 40+ HP and Beedrill RR to search for pokemon i need!

Third Idea:Raichu/Manectric

Pokemon- 23
3-3-1 Raichu LV. X (Main Attacker) (3 HGSS Raichu, Raichu Lv. X) I don't like Raichu Prime so unless you have a good point about adding him to the line up i don't think i will add him
3-1-3 Ampharos (Tech) (1 Ampharos PL, 2 Ampharos Prime HGSS)
1 Zapdos MD (Tech)
2 Uxie LA (Tech)
2-2 Manectric (Tech)
1 Azelf LA
1 Solrock Triumphant

Trainers, Suppertors and Stadiums-19
3 Bebes
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Rare Candy
1 Luxery Ball
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker
3 Fisherman

NRG- 18
11 {L}
3 {P}

Get out Manetric, Ampharos and Raichu ASAP. Then use searching card to find Zapdos put him on bench flip hopefully get heads if not ssu and try again. Knowing people really don't use blissey or nidoqueen in my area and close to no one uses potions i use amphys poke-body and manetric so they cant use pokepowers and and solrock to keep it that way, start hitting with raichu doing major damage, win.

I need LOTS of suggestions and criticism so please!! Comment! Thanks :D
RE: 3 Deck Ideas For States (all Suggestions are welcome!)

I would drop the Beedrill line completely from the 2nd idea. Sure, it can do a possible 100 for 1 energy, and the other can search for grass types, but you shoul make it straight Leafeon. And Sunflora HGSS has the same exact power as Beedrill RR, but at a lower stage. :) And Leafeon can be consistently hitting for 100-150 each turn for one energy. If you want to keep Beedrill(though I insist you don't), run a 2-2-2 line of it.
RE: 3 Deck Ideas For States (all Suggestions are welcome!)

Ok I like that Idea! So instead of beedrill i should use sunflora? Or should i replace it by something else?
RE: 3 Deck Ideas For States (all Suggestions are welcome!)

Yes. Sunflora will definitely help you out. A 2-2 line should be fine, with 3 extra spots open for you to choose from.

As for your Raichu/Manectric deck, Raichu Prime may be advised. I have no idea what Manectric you are using, and Ampharos shouldn't be that large. Again, 2-2-2 line should be best. Since this is a spread deck, I'll give you an idea on the Pokemon line.

4-2/1-1 Raichu X(MD-SF/Prime-LV.X)
2-2-1/1 Ampharos PL/Prime
1 Zapdos MD
1 Solrock TM
1 Lunatone SV
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

RE: 3 Deck Ideas For States (all Suggestions are welcome!)

I am Using the Manectric from Platinum It has 90 HP and it has electric barrier which allows it to keep the bench safe from all attacks it also has the attacks Power Wave and Attract current.
So my idea is to get zapdos to drop Damage counters on all the opponents pokemon and block it from using poke-powers which may help them and since my pokemon are protected by manectric it wouldn't be a problem except my active which is probably raichu. No may i ask why i should have raichu prime? It does 120 for 3 Energies which you have to get rid of and then it's poke-power only allows it to get extra energies. So whats so great about that?

Also I like the Idea of Solrock that's a good strategy for keeping the damage counters on the pokemon!
RE: 3 Deck Ideas For States (all Suggestions are welcome!)

I guess I should have thought about that. Unless you want to run Pachirisu CoL, which allows you to place two energies from your hand onto it, then transfer to Raichu, I guess you can use 2 SF and 1 HGSS.
Well, since I'm the only one that likes to help, I will.

Deck 1

You need to add another Wartortle. This increases consistency. As for your Trainer line, Good Rod is unreliable; I would rather use Palmer's Contribution. 4 Interviewer's Questions is way overkill, and it is below par. I would drop 2 and add a 1-1 line of Floatzel GL LV.X. It's Pokebody is awesome. Also, I really don't suggest you attack with SEL's Fire attack, because there is no efficient way of attaching the energies to it. Only use the water type attack, so drop the Fire energies and add another Collector and another PONT.

I will help you later, but I'm a little busy. :)
Thanks for actually answering i appreciate itand may i ask what does floatzel Lv. X do? and its fine that your busy

It's Pokebody is great, and you can even use Floatzel GL's attack for no energy(can't remember the name) that for no energy lets you search your discard pile for a supporter and put it into your hand.
Hi. in the Leafeon/Roserade deck it would be nice with a 3-3 or a 4-4 line with Magmortar (SV) and 4 Super scoop up and seekers. I play the deck and it works great :)
ok i really like the floatzel idea! i should probably add an azelf too! thanks for the help yoshidude! Erling what should i get rid of too add the magmortar cause i like the idea! Anyone else want to help i would really appreciate it! dont be shy to write anything i don't bite! :)
come on people i need lots of help whatever advice you give helps! i especially need help with the manectric deck cause no one is voting for it so tell me whats wrong with it
Could you explain why you use DCE in your deck? None of the Raichus are really compatible w/ it(Raichu X takes two electric and one colorless, while HS Raichu's second attack is two electric). I would drop them all and add another PONT, another Collector, and a Premier Ball(searches out Raichu X). I need to know what set Manectric is, and Amphy should be 2-2-1/1(1 Prime, 1 PT).
IMO, you should:

-1 Raichu HGSS
+1 Raichu SF

You have fisherman, right? Burst Ball and fisherman return basic energy but slow setting back up
I used to run Blastoise/Feraligtr, so here;s what I suggest:

-1-1 Suicune/Entei
-2 Good rod
-2 Interviewer
-2 fire energy

+4 Spiritomb AR
+1 Unown Q
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 BTS
+1 Uxie X

Hope it helps!