(3) HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20, 8/25]

RE: (1) New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

viper.fox said:
I remember perfectly fine thank you XD Like I said, these only came up on Daisuki this evening. Before you could go in and look at the info on the new Pokemon, but the video spot was set to, essentially, "Coming 20/8/10". They came out today with the new BW Digest which basically surmises the info from CoroCoro.

We've seen screenshots, which might be what you're thinking of. Victini we saw on Pokemon Sunday, and Shikijika we saw in that video captured by Legendary Pokemon which included some stuff for the musical.
No no no... I saw videos of those battles! XD
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

I find it odd that the Plusle and Minun's set is actually "promo", seeing as they are exact replicas of the Unleashed Plusle and Minun, bar the holofoil. Even the artwork is the same, that's what confuses me.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Meaty said:
I find it odd that the Plusle and Minun's set is actually "promo", seeing as they are exact replicas of the Unleashed Plusle and Minun, bar the holofoil. Even the artwork is the same, that's what confuses me.

They did the exact same thing cleffa and smoochum, andwill later with Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr. I don't find it weird.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Wow the cards look pretty cool. I hope I can get more cards sometime soon though. I will have to watch all 5 videos when I get the chance. That includes the 4 from the previous news story XD.:)
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Plusle and Minun promos are stupid... This gives me the feeling that we won't get the shiny legendary cards in the west... Instead of releasing shiny Lugia and Ho-oh for example (since they make a pair too), they release holo copies of cards already released in main sets... so freakin' stupid... nice job PUSA!!
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

I mean, they're cute, but seriously. Let's see the Shiny Legendary Beasts, OK?
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Did anyone else notice the weird way Mamanbou moved its fins? To me, that furthered it away from Luvdisc, but I'm not making a ruling either way until GameFreak itself tells me. I also really liked the way Swana's sprite looks with its wings spread.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Yeah, I was more of a fan of the previous stat raising/lowering effects, but I can live with it.

The thing that really bothers me is the very pixel-y sprites, particularly the back sprites. It's not appealing. I know animating the Pokemon is much more complicated than anything else they've done in the past, but not taking the time to smooth things out just seems lazy. Constantly animated sprites are awesome, but if you're not going to follow through on the quality, why bother?
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Kibago getting Dragon Dance is awesome. (If this was revealed before this video, I missed it.) Ononokusu's future is looking even brighter. :0

Anyway, being yellow when Paralyzed is cool. I said it back when they first showed it, but I still think this Generation's stat lowering looks bad, especially compared to the animation for stat raising. I agree with Porygon-X and Bupsy, Generation 3 had my favorite animations for stat raising / lowering. I'm sure I'll get used to it, though.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Thanks but the translation as they say in the blog is not so good.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

The battle footage looks nice. Yellow while paralyzed? That's a cool addition. Nothing much else that haven't seen before. The animations continue to look good as well.

Wow, more Promos that aren't the best. _-_ Oh well, if I find them at Target/Wal-Mart, I'll pick them up.

Edit: That Shuckle has an interesting/semi-fun Body, but yeah otherwise, not the best lol.

dmaster out.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

More promos to buy. That last ones took 2 months to show up.
RE: (2) Plusle and Minun HGSS Promos, New 'Black and White' Battle Footage [8/20]

Lapras and Shuckle posted.
Sweet artwork. I really like the Shuckle, but it's unfortunate that, once again, a common theme amongst Promo cards, they're terrible. Ferry may see play in rogue Water decks, maybe a follow-up to a KO'd Sableye? It's got 90 HP, so it's bulky...

Never mind, it's bad.