(3) Major 12th Movie Spoilers, Porygon-Z G Japan Gym Challenge Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Sum

RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

First Post!

o_O This will be 1 of the best Poke Movies released!

Also, I found the new picture on the front page a bit.....suggestive with Entei and Raikou. XD
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

What's suggestive? o_O

See the rain clouds? They just put out the fire that burned down the Tin Tower. Ho-Oh just revived the three beasts. They are looking back toward Ho-Oh. If you have a lower screen resolution you can't see Ho-Oh.

Look here to see the full header: http://pokebeach.com/images/header/legendary-dogs.jpg
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

Water Pokémon Master said:
What's suggestive? o_O

See the rain clouds? They just put out the fire that burned down the Tin Tower. Ho-Oh just revived the three beasts. They are looking back toward Ho-Oh. If you have a lower screen resolution you can't see Ho-Oh.

Look here to see the full header: http://pokebeach.com/images/header/legendary-dogs.jpg

I was just kidding, though I do have to see Entei looks invite while Raikou looks like it is about to sniff Entei's butt. o_O
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

That is the best front page banner... EVER!!!

Love the 'lineless' effect :D
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

afstandopleren said:
I was just kidding, though I do have to see Entei looks invite while Raikou looks like it is about to sniff Entei's butt. o_O

They don't have butts. Look at Suicune.
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

How on earth are the beasts looking at Ho-Oh? They're looking the wrong way! D:
...I've seen better banners (on PokéBeach), but I guess they'll do.

Spacegoat-movie is Spacegoatish. :U
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Battle Road Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

Okay, then pretend Entei is saying to Raikou, "Come my child, you have been revived, you must live your life" and Suicune is saying, "The future is ahead of us! Let's go you fuels!" Ho-Oh is just in the background saying something like, "See, I did this. That's why I'm here." Use your imagination!
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Battle Road Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

Didn't Ho-Oh save the 3 critters that were stuck in the Tower and turn them into what we know now as Suicune, ENtei and Raikou? Also, Pokemon aren't really revived, not even in the games cuz POKEMON CAN'T DIE (Eye twitches)....does make me wonder how they can die and Pokemon graveyards can exist...

EDIT: Does anyone know what the Pory-Z G Promo does? The attack I mean since the rest is obviously obstructed.
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Battle Road Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

afstandopleren said:
POKEMON CAN'T DIE (Eye twitches)
Wait what? Pokémon die all the time. o-O

...Porygon-Z G is awesome.
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Battle Road Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

Nah, they never have and never will in the games or Anime though atleast in the jap anime it has been suggested several times that they can. But nothing ever really happens.
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Gym Challenge Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

The anime says that three Pokemon died in a fire and were revived as reincarnations of the north wind, the volcano, and thunder. The games say the three beasts died and were revived. The anime says humans attacked the towers and caused Ho-Oh and Lugia to flee while the games say a lightning bolt hit the Tin Tower and caused the two to run away.
RE: (2) Porygon-Z G Japan Gym Challenge Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

So they technically weren't saved then. They had to die first before something happened....but it'll do.
Is this movie going to be exciting or what?!

Yay! Heatran's here!
Gishin is awesome. Probably more awesome than Zero was, if only for the Heatran.

(And poor Kevin. Kinda guessed something like that would happen, though. He didn't really look like the time-travelling type.)
RE: (1) Third Part of Arceus Movie Summary [5/15]

afstandopleren said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
What's suggestive? o_O

See the rain clouds? They just put out the fire that burned down the Tin Tower. Ho-Oh just revived the three beasts. They are looking back toward Ho-Oh. If you have a lower screen resolution you can't see Ho-Oh.

Look here to see the full header: http://pokebeach.com/images/header/legendary-dogs.jpg

I was just kidding, though I do have to see Entei looks invite while Raikou looks like it is about to sniff Entei's butt. o_O


Anyways! This movie info is awesome!

Sounds very cool. It's going to be interesting to see what happens when they go back in time... Glad Heatran kinda gets a "role" in this movie. Can't wait to see it! =]
After a prayer from Sheena, Dialga takes everyone back even further in time. There, they're captured by Gishin, who has both a Bronzong and a Heatran. Nobody is shocked that he has a Heatran or anything.

Okay, how the heck does 1 get a Heatran and why the heck is no one surprised to see him with what we thought to be a Legendary?
RE: (3) Major 12th Movie Spoilers, Porygon-Z G Japan Gym Challenge Promo, Third Part

This movie looks great! This will hopefully get me into the anime again. It looks that it will be not lame. (I mean that in a good way). WPM seems like he's really exited, too! xD

Also, I can's see the banner on the front page.
Finally, another Porygon-Z. We need MOAR PORYGON-z.

But something tells me that it'll suck.

They actually seem to be working as hard as they can with this movie. That'll be just awesome.
...too bad I'll have to wait until the subbed version gets onto Youtube. ;_;