RE: (2) HGSS Blister Pack, 5th Generation Evidence and Speculation [1/9]
I've always wanted to see a Nintendo handheld launched with a pair of pokemon games.
And I always believed that Nintendo was waiting to release Diamond and Pearl after the DS was deemed viable in the handheld market. Honestly, the DS seemed like Nintendo trying to ward off the PSP. I mean, look at the original DS. Clearly a rushed product during it's introduction into the market. The lack of a Game Boy branding showed Nintendo's lack of confidence in the DS, they wouldn't risk tarnishing the brand's name. Luckily, the DS took off after the release of the DS lite, and eventually the Game Boy brand was retired indefinetely. Remember, leading up to the DS' release, Nintendo wanted everyone to be aware that the DS and the Game Boy were different brands. Nintendo surprised themselves with the success of the DS.
Now, let me get down to the point. The main Pokemon games are killer apps. Nintendo was holding their cards close to their chest with Diamond and Pearl. Game Freak was likely told to keep the game's design open to change between the DS and a possible Game Boy Advance successor. I believe this because of the amount of time between the DS' release and Diamond and Pearl's. The touch and dual-screen features of the games are also particularly simplistic, possibly meaning the game was never built around the ideas and functions of the DS.
I believe it's possible that Nintendo, fearful of the DS' market penetration, wanted to keep Diamond and Pearl as options for a future Game Boy. With the selling power of Pokemon, it's very likely that Game Freak is one of the first developers to get their hands on any information about Nintendo's handhelds. Hopefully, Nintendo, with the success of the DS believes its successor will be accepted by the gaming population. And what better way than to launch it alongside the 5th gen of Pokemon games?
I highly doubt it will happen, but maybe there's hope for a release in the first year of the system's life. There's been a long time between the release of Diamond and Pearl and the present time. 5th gen's introduction is imminent. If the DS' successor doesn't release in 2011, we can be sure that the 5th gen games will be DSi enhanced, or even exclusive, poissibly their 3rd version being DSi exclusive, much like Gold, Silver and Crystal were. (possibly ironic, with the release of Heart Gold and Soul Silver preceeding it.)
I guess my whole point is agreement. 5th gen is very likely in 2011 or early 2012, but a DS successor isn't necessary for it's release.