ArchedThunder said:Where do I put the password to get arceus?
Teeboy23 said:The password is ARCEUSVOTE and it's on Pokemon.com
Dragon Pokémon said:We all know.
Mudkip4321 said:Yay, a deck featuring Reshiram!!! I wuv Reshiram sooooooooo much! =3 But WHY can't Arceus have any special moves??? (I deleted both of my old one's special moves not knowing that I couldn't get them back ) So this event is officially LAME. (Except we can name Arceus Pizza!!! XD) Anyone else have an awesome Arceus name??? Some more to contribute: Cupcakes, Twinkle 2s (2s means toes) and WHY U!? Just because it has nothing special. (Other than being a legendary Pokemon!!! =D)
Johnnieboilulz said:Do starter decks still come with a booster pack?
Wait - did they ever?