• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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3 wishes (thundurs magnezone tornadus zekrom and eelektrik)



ok so this is the deck im playing and i love it it works great and is almost flawless so why am i posting here?? well mainly to see if anyone else is playing this and to see other peoples input on this to make it better. also thundurs so under hyped it is to good not to be used so im trying to get it noticed...
well i was in dothon alabama and im a master but i came 6th in a cities witch was disappointing because the deck is better then 6th!
3-great ball
2-plus power
1-junk arm
1-super rod
2-rare candy
15 {L}
well thats it im pretty sure it is so good but the plain to it is lead with thundurs do a t-2 80 and get eeletriks set up along with a magnezone and the deck ubers but why did i come in 6th ? well i got donked last round by a patchy :( after losing my first round :( but input is welcome and so are questions
thank you
thundurs=boss OUT!
Hi, i suggest the following: -3 great ball, -2 plus power, -1 interviewers question, -1 tynamo, -1 eelektrik, -2 zekrom/ tornadus, -1 zekrom/ tornadus, -2 thundurus, -3 lightning, -2 junipers

Resons for the following: Great ball isn't needed as you already have communication and draw supporters to help you get your pokes out. Plus powers isnt really needed as your magnezone has an unlimited damage cap. Interviewers isn't needed as you already have 15 energies (potentially 12), and you will draw into them. A 3-3 tynamo/ eelektrik line is the reasonable amount as a 4-4 line can clog up your hand and potentially being a dead card. The next one, i gave you a choice as both serves their own purpose. If you want to go all out without being scared of donphan (you shouldn't be scared in the first place as you have magnezone) then go with zekrom, if your meta is filled with donphans and you are scared of it go with tornadus. going with 2 thundurus is more than enough as you have 2 zekroms/ tornadus as your starter. 12 energies is enough as you have eelektrik's recycling them. I am not saying juniper is a bad card but i think sage training is much more reliable in terms of dumping specific cards and getting the cards you need (personal preference)

What goes in: +1 magnemite, +1 magneton, +2 pokemon collector, +1 sage, +1 rare candy, +3 junk arm, +2 switch, +1 cleffa, +1 pichu (optional), +3N, +2 PONT

Reasons: You really want a thicker magnezone line as magnezone is the card that saves you from lock by OHKOing all their main attackers. Going with 4 pokemon collector is almost a staple in this format as it's such a good card to get you set up. As i said before, i think sage is more reliable than juniper in terms of dumping specific cards instead of your whole hand. Going with 3 candy is almost a must in this deck as you want to get magnezone out by turn 2 and going with 3 candies makes the deck slightly more consistent. Going with 4 junk arm is a staple (other than trainer lock decks and other specific decks). Junk arm is just too good. It helps you get back catchers, communication, candy, etc. Switch is very much needed in this deck as they can catcher up your eelektrik and you would have to charge for 2 turns to retreat. Switch can also be used to get your turn 1 eeeeek. Cleffa is just a must in every deck (except ZPST). It's just amazing at refreshing your hand and getting you better starts. Pichu, like i said is optional, personally i like pichu as it guarantee's you to get out all your essential basics. N in this deck is just AMAZING, it disrupts your opponent while you can get back up to 6 with magnetic draw. PONT is also good as it refreshers your hand and possibly get's your magnezone and stuff.

I hope this helped :D
I think you are not running this on the best way. First of all, only 2/3 Thundurus. No more than that. You don't need so many dragons, 3 Thundurus and 1 Zekrom is a good play. You don't need Tornadus for Donphan, because you outspeed them with Thundurus and Magnezone can 0HKO them. 3-3 Eelektrik is enough. If you play more your deck will have dead draws in the late game and it has many chances of mulligan on the beggining. 3-1-3 Magnezone? That is your main draw power. What if 1 Magnemite is prized and 1 gets KO'ed (don't say its unlikely, cuz it's not)? What you do? You need a 4th Magnemite and a 2nd Magneton (Magneton cuz of trainer lock). That way your deck is more consistent already. Then let's look at your trainer line. It's a total mess! You should run something like this:
4 Sage's
4 N
4 Collector's
4 Communication
3 Candys
2 Switch
2 Catcher
4 Junk Arm

That's a consistent T/S/S line! This way you will get set-up very fast. Also, you only need 12 Energys. You don't need so many. The max is 14.
Well, after all this, the changes I reccomend are:

-1 Thundurus
-1 Zekrom
-2 Tornadus
-1-1 Eelektrik
-2 Juniper
-1 Interviewer's
-3 Great Balls
-2 Plus Powers
-1 Super Rod
Total: 15

You should add:
+1 Magnemite
+1 Magneton
+2 Pokémon Collector
+1 Rare Candy
+3 Junk Arm
+2 Sage's Training
+4 N
+1 Cleffa
Total: 15

This ALL helps your consistency a lot. I don't know how you got 6th in Masters with that incosistent list. You must have been incredibly lucky, no offense. Try this version, it will run way smoother than yours. Also, this deck IS very used. It got like 15 City Championships wins (I think), but none of those were inconsistent as yours is.
Even if you don't agree with the changes, test it. That's the only way you can know if it's good.