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300 Damage for One Attack! (Mega Lucario EX / Machamp)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! Today I will be sharing my idea for a Lucario EX and Machamp deck. If you have any suggestions for this deck, please share them. It would help this deck and my deck building skills in general!



  • 3x Lucario EX
    3x Mega Lucario EX
    3x Machop
    1x Machoke
    3x Machamp
    1x Terrakion EX

  • 4x Muscle Band
    4x Ultra Ball
    3x Great Ball
    2x N
    3x Korrina
    1x Master Ball
    3x Shauna
    3x Professor Sycamore
    3x Rare Candy
    3x Professors Letter
    3x Energy Retrieval
    2x Random Receiver

  • 8x Fighting Energy
    4x Strong Energy
Get Mega Lucario EX with Muscle Band and Strong Energies up with Machamp on the bench and use Rising Fist. Up to 300 damage (OHKO!) and your opponent discards an energy. Terrakion is helpful when you're trying to set up or can't get out Lucario. Pretty simple deck.
RE: Mega Lucario EX / Machamp

PokeBoss123 said:
Hey guys! Today I will be sharing my idea for a deck. Keep in mind I just thought of this deck a few minutes ago so it won't be perfect! :) I don't know whether Machamps ability stacks so please let me know.



  • 2x Lucario EX
    2x Mega Lucario EX
    2x Machop
    1x Machoke
    2x Machamp
    1x Terrakion EX

  • 4x Muscle Band
    4x Ultra Ball
    3x Great Ball
    3x Tierno
    3x N
    3x Skyla
    1x Master Ball
    4x Shauna
    3x Professor Sycamore
    2x Rare Candy
    3x Professors Letter
    3x Energy Retrieval
    2x Random Receiver

  • 12x Fighting Energy
Get Mega Lucario EX with Muscle Band up with Machamp on the bench and use Rising Fist. 180 damage and your opponent discards an energy. Terrakion is helpful when you're trying to set up or can't get out Lucario. Pretty simple deck.

If you have an improvement for the deck you'd like to share please do. It would help my deck building skills a lot! :)

Im a relatively new player but here's my thoughts. Firstly, you have a lot of trainer card overkill- having 3 great balls as well as 4 ultra balls AND a master ball for 10 total pokemon seems a bit much. I think it is worth bulking up your machamp and lucario lines and getting rid of some of these balls. With only 2 of your main attacker lucario ex, you will still have 2 prizes left when your main attackers get knocked out. It would also be good to bulk up these lines considering how slow the deck can be, meaning if you start with one machop and the other is prized and you have a slow start, you will have absolutely no way to get a machamp out if your only machop gets koed. Id also not use master ball but this is personal preference.
- 3 great ball
+1 machop
+1 lucario
+ 1 mega lucario

I would also consider replace the skylas for korrina, since they can give you any pokemon in your deck as well as an item, which might help speed it up (and skylas getting rotated i think?)
- 3 skyla
+ 3 korrina

Also 3 tierno is not great since you have a slew of better supporter cards which you would prefer to grab with the random recievers, so I would remove it and use the extra cards to bulk up your pokemon lines. I would also consider using a couple of bicycle because it has good synergy with korrina, being able to grab a fighting pokemon and then a bicycle to replenish your hand somewhat whilst also getting a pokemon sounds good to me!
Also I would consider putting a lysander or pokemon catcher in this deck. Since it takes a while to power up its important to start hitting the opponent on the cards with energy that are sitting safely on the bench I think. I made a very similar deck which I posted earlier so you could look at that too and see if any of my choices made sense and would be better for your deck if you want :)
RE: Mega Lucario EX / Machamp

Thanks for the feedback! I made a few changes based on your insight.

Machamps ability does stack so I am addding another Machamp line!
RE: Mega Lucario EX / Machamp (Deal 300 Damage with 1 Attack!)

3 Mega Lucarios is a bit too much. Do you really want to give up 3 turns of a game? 2 of them should be ok and still won't get prized easily.
Lucario is the the main attacker (and the preferred attacker). I know they won't get prized, but starting out with one or drawing one early without the help of trainers is the best, because you still want to get the Machamps out. Really, you only need to get out one and then you're good.
Answering a question of yours: Yes, Machamp's Ability do stack. They work like Floette's, in the way they are active all the time and their boost are independent.
With 3 Machamps on your bench, Lucario gets +60 dmg against the defending pokemon, besides the Strong Energies and the Fighting Stadium.
Hey looks good nice list! Having those Sycamore should really help you maintain a useful hand throughout the game.

Since you plan on using Sycamore and Shauna and even Ultra Ball to discard unwanted cards, you'll be okay with the extra Great Balls. I think it's worth it to keep the Great Balls for that reason, if you use them that's great and if not you can hopefully discard them for an Ultra Ball or Sycamore.

Discarding = comfort in knowing you can't re-draw what you didn't want in the first place haha!

Hope that helps! Good list!
I think the Machamp line is useless as Mega L does 140 damage straight plus muscle band/strong energy/fighting stadium raises to 200 Base against EX and 180 Base against non EX and except for Megas you can OHKO anything, and the only usable Mega is Lucario and Kanga, which has a weakness to fighting.
I'm going to keep the Machamp lines. It gives me a few more options than just having the muscle band or the strong energies.
the Machamp line is good for other fighting pokémon, such as landorus (EX) or Excadrill or some other fighting type pokémon

By the way, Terrakion EX isn't legal anymore. only cards from Boundaries Crossed until now are legal
I think keeping Machamp is worth it, his new ability is awesome and if you have two set up he can be a serious attacker hitting for 160 to a non ex and 180 to an ex with muscle band/strong energy/fighting stadium. Plus he will prevent the next 40 damage done to him per turn when he attacks so unless your opponent is swinging for 190 damage he will avoid a ohko :)
If you want to have a nasty trick up your sleeve for when people pull up a Machamp that has 0 energy...or if you just want to lull someone into thinking they are safe with a Machamp in your active with 0 energy...play CelebiEX. Trust me, it will save your life more than once.
Oh, I see, so you can use Machop's attack for actually about 130 with two other Machamp, a Muscle Band, the stadium and a Strong Energy. Very interesting indeed. But with that in mind, I would also just run Celebi EX for Lucario, as well, because sometimes three Energy for an attack is high, or better yet, you have zero cards in your hand and you need to use Corkscrew Smash to draw until you have six, or something of the sort. Whenever I mess with Mega stuff, I more often than not put in Celebi for this reason.
I've already proxied a similar deck and started play-testing it. Several thoughts for your consideration:

  • One the the main advanatages of running F decks now is the Supporter Korrina; it is fantastic, IMHO. So, I would suggest you max out those in your deck.
  • To minimize Supporter "clashes," I also run 4 Bicycle for Item-draw support.
  • Given that Korrina allows you to search for a F Poke too, I dd not need to rely upon lots of Balls since I still had strong card draw support.
  • Incorporating 1-2 Mewtwo EX will be useful counters against the deck's significant P weakness.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Wow including Celebi EX is a great idea to think about that would give you so much versatility...
I know i hadn't realise it yet but it is indeed a very strong combination. but the only thing that's bothering me is that Celebi EX has a pretty low HP ( 110)
but what matters. :)
You just have to hope Celebi EX never leaves the bench, it could be risky to include but the ability makes up for it :)
"Hope"? There's a very good chance, IMO, it would be Catcher/Lysandre up for a 1HKO. Just too tempting for opponents to leave that 2 prize target alone...