Hey guys! Today I will be sharing my idea for a Lucario EX and Machamp deck. If you have any suggestions for this deck, please share them. It would help this deck and my deck building skills in general!
Get Mega Lucario EX with Muscle Band and Strong Energies up with Machamp on the bench and use Rising Fist. Up to 300 damage (OHKO!) and your opponent discards an energy. Terrakion is helpful when you're trying to set up or can't get out Lucario. Pretty simple deck.
3x Lucario EX
3x Mega Lucario EX
3x Machop
1x Machoke
3x Machamp
1x Terrakion EX
4x Muscle Band
4x Ultra Ball
3x Great Ball
2x N
3x Korrina
1x Master Ball
3x Shauna
3x Professor Sycamore
3x Rare Candy
3x Professors Letter
3x Energy Retrieval
2x Random Receiver
8x Fighting Energy
4x Strong Energy
Get Mega Lucario EX with Muscle Band and Strong Energies up with Machamp on the bench and use Rising Fist. Up to 300 damage (OHKO!) and your opponent discards an energy. Terrakion is helpful when you're trying to set up or can't get out Lucario. Pretty simple deck.