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300 Damage for One Attack! (Mega Lucario EX / Machamp)

TuxedoBlack said:
"Hope"? There's a very good chance, IMO, it would be Catcher/Lysandre up for a 1HKO. Just too tempting for opponents to leave that 2 prize target alone...

Agreed, so maybe pray is the right word to use in this situation...

Even if/when that happens though I think this deck still has a huge win potential. What do you think?
Ocho said:
TuxedoBlack said:
"Hope"? There's a very good chance, IMO, it would be Catcher/Lysandre up for a 1HKO. Just too tempting for opponents to leave that 2 prize target alone...

Agreed, so maybe pray is the right word to use in this situation...
Ocho said:
Even if/when that happens though I think this deck still has a huge win potential. What do you think?
Yes, I believe this deck will earn a spot in the top deck tiers - just too good, IMHO.
TuxedoBlack said:
Yes, I believe this deck will earn a spot in the top deck tiers - just too good, IMHO.

This deck will hit the meta in thousands, it is a combo begging to be played, just like Aromatisee/Xerneas/Xerneas EX.

I foresee Mewtwo EX getting more and more common than it already is just because of the Lucario/Machamp Combo.
Sorry that I haven't responded. I was on vacation! I will look through the suggestions and make changes to the deck.
PokeBoss123 said:

  • 3x Lucario EX
    3x Mega Lucario EX
    3x Machop
    1x Machoke
    3x Machamp
    1x Terrakion EX

  • 4x Muscle Band
    4x Ultra Ball
    3x Great Ball
    2x N
    3x Korrina
    1x Master Ball
    3x Shauna
    3x Professor Sycamore
    3x Rare Candy
    3x Professors Letter
    3x Energy Retrieval
    2x Random Receiver

  • 8x Fighting Energy
    4x Strong Energy
Strongly (no pun intended) consider incorporating Landorus EX as another strong F Poké attacker in order to diversify your Poké weakness. Otherwise opponents' Mewtwo EXs will just easily KO your P-weak Machamp line and Lucario EXs.
About the CelebiEX problem... It is an awesome idea to put into your deck. As long as you are able to keep pressure on the opponent and have energy flowing, they won't get a chance to go after your benched Celebi.