3DS Discussion Thread

It's an online game that didn't exactly burn up the sales charts, so I wouldn't be too sure about getting it. Online is likely a ghost town.

(talking about Heroes of Ruin)
I've got more PMD:GTI gameplay for you guys . .
There's a new feature called Companion Mode where you play as Pokémon in your team that don't go out in dungeons with you. In Companion Mode, you can do job requests as other team members. As long as your in Companion Mode, the main story doesn't move forward. Until you go back to "Your Name" Mode. After a while, you hear reports of a suspicious looking Pokémon luring around Post Town, a little while later, Levanny's child, Swadloon has gone missing. You have to search for him in Inflora Forest. Once you find him, the next day a Pokémon collapses in Post Town. It's Umbreon. Come to find out he's looking for Espeon who's still out on the run from the Pokémon that attacked them. Umbreon and Espeon are researchers. They posses Entercards, cards that are used to open Magnagates. So now you have to go rescue Espeon in the Crag of Lament. Soon, you'll find that a Toxicroak and Purugly and you have to battle them. When you defeat them, you return to Post Town with Espeon where she reunites with Umbreon. The next morning, you go to see the two and they ask to join your team.

More gameplay as it comes.
You may want to warn about spoilers. :p

I was excited for Gates to Infinity, but I've heard some pretty bad things from some other people. Only
Post-game dungeon? They removed hunger from 90% of the dungeons? You can't recruit Reshiram/Zekrom? Multiplayer mode is Boss Battles only? There's just so many things they really messed up which the demo didn't show (well, aside from the Hunger thing).

And I was excited to get it later on. Now I'm not all that sure since they removed so many things that made me like the series. I'm half afraid to ask, are there any 99 Floor Dungeons anymore? Those were real fun to go through as they really added a need for skill to complete the game.
I honestly don't mind the "no hunger in dungeons" at all, having to stuff my bag with apples was just annoying when I would rather have oran berries or reviver seeds. :p
Did anyone get Harmoknight, and If you did, how is it? I loved the demo, but I'm not too sure about the 15 $ price tag, not to mention IGN said it takes around 5 hours to complete.
So, following your suggestions, I downloaded OoT. Thank you guys. It's great. The graphics are amazing and the story is interesting. Controls are pretty good too. The only think that annoys me is the 1st person camera angle. Otherwise, it's excellent.
ChillBill said:
So, following your suggestions, I downloaded OoT. Thank you guys. It's great. The graphics are amazing and the story is interesting. Controls are pretty good too. The only think that annoys me is the 1st person camera angle. Otherwise, it's excellent.

Once you get used to using the accelerometer for arrows and such it's like second nature. I'm normally one of those people who never uses it, but OoT got it right.
Oh goodness I hated the gyroscopic aiming. And I'm sure you could turn them off, but I didn't find where. I'd aim something juuuust perfectly, go to press the button, but because doing so moves your finger it would go off of the target by a millimeter. Give me buttons and sticks, or give me death!

....Or not. Rather not die over something so trivial.
pokemaister899 said:
Did anyone get Harmoknight, and If you did, how is it? I loved the demo, but I'm not too sure about the 15 $ price tag, not to mention IGN said it takes around 5 hours to complete.
Wait for the discount like I do.
If only Nintendo had sales often enough. Every time it they start them they quit abruptly. They had them going for about two months last Summer, then nothing went on sale again until just last month. Not saying I want sales monthly, but how 'bout a month-long Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter sale, y'know?

I should stop complaining haha.
Well, I can't say much on Luigi's Mansion since I'm so addicted to Online Multiplayer I haven't progressed much in the storyline. But it is really good, the only annoying thing is multitasking by pressing R, A, X, and Circle Pad all at the same time to vacuum ghosts. And it's more funny scary, not scary scary if you're looking for that type of genre. And don't buy it if you're a quitter who ragequits because you can't solve the puzzles within 3 seconds, because some puzzle can take up to 5 minutes to solve and require some thinking.
ThatPokemonCollector said:
Ocarina Of Time, probably the best 3DS Games out there, is Monster Hunter 3 ,Lugi's Mansion 2 or CastleVania Mirror Of Fate any good ?

I'd give that title to Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Mario 3D Land, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, or Fire Emblem Awakening, personally. As for the question, as you can tell from what I just said, Monster Hunter is amazing with tooooons of content. Circle Pad Pro is pretty much required though. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon is good, but I've just got past the first part of the game since...

Amphy23 said:
I'm so addicted to Online Multiplayer [and] I haven't progressed much in the storyline.
Starboard Driger said:
ChillBill said:
So, following your suggestions, I downloaded OoT. Thank you guys. It's great. The graphics are amazing and the story is interesting. Controls are pretty good too. The only think that annoys me is the 1st person camera angle. Otherwise, it's excellent.

Once you get used to using the accelerometer for arrows and such it's like second nature. I'm normally one of those people who never uses it, but OoT got it right.

Aiming with the gyroscope made the arrow minigame way easier for me. Considering I always got frustrated when I was younger with the aiming for that thing, I loved what the 3DS was able to do. Easier but still a good challenge and not impossible for a minigame.

dmaster out.
SotS said:
If only Nintendo had sales often enough. Every time it they start them they quit abruptly. They had them going for about two months last Summer, then nothing went on sale again until just last month. Not saying I want sales monthly, but how 'bout a month-long Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter sale, y'know?

I should stop complaining haha.

Nintendo specifically, yeah, more sales would be nice. But they are giving a lot of control over sales over to third parties; escapeVektor is 50% off from April 4-18. This announcement came from the developer.
Well as for sales, Nintendo have dropped prices for all their consoles not long after their release dates.Though sales for games would be nice, some of the better games are still rather expensive.
Amphy23 said:
Well, I can't say much on Luigi's Mansion since I'm so addicted to Online Multiplayer I haven't progressed much in the storyline. But it is really good, the only annoying thing is multitasking by pressing R, A, X, and Circle Pad all at the same time to vacuum ghosts. And it's more funny scary, not scary scary if you're looking for that type of genre. And don't buy it if you're a quitter who ragequits because you can't solve the puzzles within 3 seconds, because some puzzle can take up to 5 minutes to solve and require some thinking.

I am a serious ragequitter. Especially with the Elite Four in Pokemon.
I'm like, GAAAAH!!! THE @%*£"_^ TRAINER!!!

So, yeah. That happens. Does anyone have Kirby's Dream Land 2 downloaded on the 3DS?
"Easter bunny" loves me. I got freaking Luigi's Mansion 2 and Fire Emblem: Awaking and a flipping points card! x3
So far, Luigi's Mansion 2 has been pretty good. Even if it's one of those games where you have to put your hand in these messed up position in order to play *cough cough* Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2 *cough*. It really makes me want to go back and play the 1st one again, because of all the little throwbacks to the 1st game.
The new Fire Emblem game is great, too. I haven't play this game as much as I have Luigi, but it's pretty awesome.

pokemaister899 said:
Did anyone get Harmoknight, and If you did, how is it? I loved the demo, but I'm not too sure about the 15 $ price tag, not to mention IGN said it takes around 5 hours to complete.

I got it. Since I really like rhythm games, I think it's pretty good. It's very different from other music games I've played. I think it's worth it. I've played it longer than I have played Pushmo.

>>> Edit
Just got doing doing some online play with Luigi's Mansion 2. Man!!! That was really fun. Haha.
I'll try that with the gyroscope. I think I had it off.
Man, I managed to forget to get Epona's song. I was so annoyed, I deleted the file and restarted it. I'm on Jabu-Jabu's belly again.
ThatPokemonCollector said:
Well as for sales, Nintendo have dropped prices for all their consoles not long after their release dates.

That's only really happened with 3DS. Off the top of my head, Wii didn't drop until... late 2009, I think? Don't know about DS Phat, but DS Lite didn't drop until 2010 or something crazy. Though, DSi and DSi XL did drop in 2011, one year after DSi XL launched, so I guess that counts.

PikabooPikachu said:
pokemaister899 said:
Did anyone get Harmoknight, and If you did, how is it? I loved the demo, but I'm not too sure about the 15 $ price tag, not to mention IGN said it takes around 5 hours to complete.

I got it. Since I really like rhythm games, I think it's pretty good. It's very different from other music games I've played. I think it's worth it. I've played it longer than I have played Pushmo.

I can't give a good answer, but I think it's worth it just by being a rhythm game. Rhythm games are some of the most fun to replay.