Hey everyone
Here's my friend code - 0044-4232-1675
If you add me just drop a message and tell me yours

[private]Removing the following here. Should be in a MyPlayer Thread. Don't want off-topic trade discussion here. *Drohn
I can currently breed (the ones I find a lot of people will want)
Munchlax (I don't know if you can catch this, but seeing as snorlax was his usual 1 time event, maybe that was the only time you could catch it)
Going to start breeding Fennekin and Eevee now and will have quite a few spare as I need to find both with a modest nature and my Eevee must be female + the ability Pixielate (I think that's what it called). At the moment I am desperate for a vulpix, so if you want either of these Pokemon and you have a vulpix spare, please would you be willing to trade

I'm not too fussed on nature with Vulpix as I won't be using it for online battling (it will just be because I have had a ninetales in my party since Pokemon blue) but if I could have a female one that would be awesome
Thanks everyone![/private]