(4) 11th Movie DVD Cover, Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark

RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Wow, Gallade Lv.X = pwnage in spread decks. Raichu is good too. The Luxray, meh, the Lv.X is really bad, 30 to one of your pokemon? But the basic is cool, wish it was a normal Luxray Lv.X, but oh well. I wasn't too excited about the Galactics cards, but these are awsome! Gym Challenge FTW!! That's when I started the game, first christmas, Blaine's deck, oh yeah. Anyway, Infernape is pretty much, awsome. As good as an evolved Infernape, but its a basic Lv.X. 2-2 in a Heatran deck anyone! :D (Rotom is phail if they're holos)
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

The Luxray artwork blows me away that I don't even bother with it's attacks. However, I don't build decks either so I don't have a true perspective of it's effects in playing TCG. I'm defenitely going to get a booster box of this set when it releases in America. :)
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Actually that Luxray art is almost the worst on there. Mismagius is the worst, then Electrode, then definitely Froslass failure. But then is definitely the Luxray. No way near Raichu's coolness!
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Very nice set so far. The artwork varies from poor (Luxray LV.X) to very good (Flygon LV.X, Rotom Cut Forme), but that's just my opinion. :)
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

The artwork is pretty neat, that's for sure.

The cards, are just great. Can't wait for this set to come out in English. Will definitely be interesting. :)
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

I guess they just like Gallade and Flygon over there at the PCL, right? ._.

Anyone who thinks Mewtwo and machamp will dominate this set needs to find out what Unown G and Dialga G X do.

Anyhow, BASICS <3
Other than that, the set seems pretty versatile at this point, can't wait to see what the rest of the set brings us, better be good. There better be GL TMs, BTW, how playable that would make Magius X (who desperately needs a decent basic).
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Flygon Level X and Gyarados? Match made in heaven. Flygon also disrupts and ticks Dusknoir Level X off to no end and can make the usually weakened Gyarado's get away before it gets too bad.. All that possible discarding is just sick.

Forget about Rhyperior.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Aside from Rotom this set seems rather heavy on the low retreat cost. Gallade and Flygon do take the cake on this one. However Infernape is fairly decent. Flygon has free retreat, I believe that this is the first time for that.

If they ever decide to ruin the game and bring back Scramble...T1 Trode G FTW.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Flygon is awesome. It has SO many uses. I can EASILY see flygon being played with torterra SF. 110 damage for 3 energy every turn, anyone? Look out, world! Here comes Flygon!

Cut Rotom looks decent for a basic. In limited, I would never pass down a chance to remove 1 energy from all of your opponent's pokemon.

Infernape lv.x is insane for a basic lv.x. Luxray.....not so insane.

.....but Machamp pretty much destroys EVERYTHING in this set. That's fine with me, as I still think flygon+torterra will be very popular.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

this will be the best set yet.....im so excited.....i wonder when its coming out in america?

after GC?
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Yeah, it will probably come out after GC.

/me looks at Flygon Lv.X, forgets about the rest of the cards, and passes out. x_x

That thing is just amazing, kills their deck, does good damage for a reasonable energy cost, and the LvXs attack makes anything running LvXs run away with their tail between their legs. Too bad this won't come out for a while. I was gong to start testing it when I realized that it was going to come out AFTER our next set. That made me sad...

/me goes to cry in a corner. T.T
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.3

I love the SP pokemon but I'll stay away:(
Machamp eats all them alive :( {W}{W} boo hwo {W}{W}{W} boo who:(:(:(
but I might play him! :D:):D;):):D{L}
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

I like this set, especially with the Flygon lv.X, I smell Togekiss. Well I really like this set, I would probably play Flygon/ Togekiss/ and Ho-oh.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

To be honest, there are only 2 (OK, technically 4) cards that I really like in the set. Gallade 4 and the Lv.X are just brilliant. Chop Up is, well, the same as on Kabutops (MD), just cheaper, but Gallade has that brilliant Poké-Power on the Lv.X. The first 1 or 2 Gallade 4's will just concentrate on using Chop Up, then the final one (preferable the Lv.X form), to sweep using Target Slash. Feint is pretty forgettable really. Unwon G's (GE) and Dialga G Lv.X (GC) to make sure Machamp (SF) and Mewtwo Lv.X (LA) don't completely stop the card.
Flygon and the Lv.X are just brilliant. I could see Power Swing being used a lot like Nidoqueen (RG) and Power Lariet was. Only without Pidgeot (RG), but with Claydol (GE) instead. Wall of Sand is Electivire Lv.X's (MT) attack really. However, the Lv.X really stood out with Eroding Storm. We have never had a really good deck destruction (or "milling") strategy. Sure, we've had a couple of good ones, but they've never been in the same format. However, we have two! This and Rhyperior (DP) might be quite a good decking strategy, especially if you use Handsome's Investigation and/or TGW to make your opponent draw more cards to deck them quicker. X-Treme Attack, as much as I hate that name, is more like something you'd find on an old * Pokémon than a Lv.X, and can be very good, just need to time it right.
The rest of the cards are pretty forgettable. Raichu GL is alright I suppose, as is Luxray GL, but most of the rest have maybe 1 good attack or Poké-Power (Driving Howl on Infernape 4 Lv.X is the prime example), but it's never enough to really be playable IMO. Maybe I'm just not seeing what makes these so good, but I really don't think most of them will be that great.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

I'm totaly satisfied! It's not that powerful at this moment and looks like it won't be, but there alway must be a set damping the rush! Where will we end if we continue at GC?! cO
Some cards are powerful but we'll see what the future will bring to use and this set!
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Remember guys, right now in Japan with the release of GC, (I think) SP cards are ruling the format. I want to give Flygon Lv X a big hug! :D

Gallade and its Lv X would have been awesome, had it not been for Flygon Lv X.

It's weird seeing all these underpowered pokemon, and knowing that despite their suckiness, they actually make an archetype thanks to all the benefits they get.

EDIT: And remember, Luxray G Lv X can be paired with Old Amber, to nullify the bench damage.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

I love the cards, with Flygon LV.X being the most interesting to me.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

The new cards look pretty cool. I would like to see the English versions soo. They look pretty good so far though.:)
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

This new set looks like it has lots of potential. Can't wait until it comes out.
RE: (3) Bonds to the End of Time Images and Translations, Strats Wanted, Redshark 2.31 Minor Fixes [11/20]

Wow all these updates for one day. x_x Redshark updation was needed, and promoting the Strategist program will bring in more people. As for the cards: woah. I'm iffy on the artwork; not all are good (Luxray Lv.X), but some are really good too. As for the attacks, most are damage spreading and bench hurting, so that's not a bad thing. Flygon Lv.X <3

dmaster out.