• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

4-5 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.



*UPDATED 4-5-2011*

Some rules:
- Rippers will be turned in. I don't play.
- I only trade in the USA and Canada, if you are elsewhere, forget it: unless you are willing ship first; catch 22 lol..
- I prefer larger trades, but will go smaller for Priorities. I also prefer to get all of a card wants in one, if I need 3, I will prioritize to get 3 at once, not one or two. This does not mean I won't trade for less.
- If I do not repond after 2-3 days, it probably means no thanks, but I will try to tell you anyway.
- I do look at lists... but don't expect much out of it.
- Bold means it's a priority and I will trade well for them.
- I've taken to using Troll and Toad for prices since everyone else seems to do so, bear in mind though some of those prices I do not agree with, for my own cards and others, so I do check ebay when I think a price is too high or too low... Just so you know. ALSO Just remember this is a trading site, which also means barter site:

MOST IMPORTANT RULE: If you don't like one of my values, barter it, that's what we're here for.. don't be dumb.

Current Users Trading with:
(Key: +/- before name = more ref than me/less ref than me, * = purchase)


KGL (Kyogre Groudon Legend) (full or bottom please)
Xx Staple Cards (Collectors, Palmer's, RC, BTS, PONT, DCE, Uxie, etc...)

Collection Wants (english only please):

1x Drifloon Shiny (SH1)
Xx Gengars I do not have, I know I need some RH ones, and a few older ones (EX and such), just if you got one, just ask lol.

Xx CYL if nothing else but guarantee nothing...


Special: I also do Custom mats, I can offer these for sale or trade combination with $$ for total $40 (includes shipping.) If you want to trade for one, I might consider it, but would prefer not to. A break down of the $40: $8 for the mat, $4 for the tube, $3+ for shipping + com depending on location, $25 for time. And no, there is no folding or cheap home made tubes for this, I will not have them get to you damaged, sorry and ty. if you want to fold them after you get it, all your's at that point. lol.
And here are a couple samples:

To make it clear, these are just samples, they are not available either because they are for someone or personal. I can remake these, or I can put whatever Poke on the mat you want.
Sable Lock
Espeon & Umbreon
Reshiram & Zekrom

Level X, Shiny, Secrets, Arceus, Primes, Legends:

Uxie Level X
2x Palkia G Level X
3x Rhyperior Level X
Arceus Level x #95
Arceus Level X #96
Gliscor Level X (crease in corner)
Rayquaza C level X (set)
Salamence Level X
Alakazam 4 Level X
Electivire FB level X
3x Regigigas Level X (set)

4x Mew Prime
2x Kingdra Prime
Tyranitar Prime
Crobat Prime
Ampharos Prime
2x Typhlosion Prime (set)
Typhlosion Prime (Tin)
2x Usaring Prime
3x Meganium Prime (set)
Yanmega Prime
Scizor Prime

Suicune/Entei Legend Bottom Half
Entei/Raikou Legend Bottom Half
Palkia/Dialga Top Half

Kyogre (shiny, SL6)
Surfing Pikachu
Pikachu secret rare
Hitmonchan secret rare
Wash Rotom
Charon's Choice
2x Electabuzz secret rare
Arceus Water
Arceus Dark
Arceus Colorless (Ripple swell)
Arceus Metal
Arceus Psychic
Arceus Lightning
Arceus Grass
Shiny Vulpix (SH6)

Everything Else Decent:

2x Regigigas (DP40 promo)
Sableye (rh)
4x Gyarados
4x Spiritomb (AR set)
2x Mespirt (LA)
2x Flygon (set)
3x Palkia G (1 rh)
2x Ditto (LA, 1 rh)
Garchomp C
RH Magikarp (SF)
RH Ninetales (HGSS)
4x Charizard (AR, 1 RH)
Staraptor FB
2x Mr. Mime (CoL)
RH Weavile (UD)
Umbreon (CoL, RH)
Manectic (PT, RH)
Call Energy
Xx Expert Belt (LP)
Xx Spiritomb (LP)
Xx Azelf (LP)

RH Useful Stuff:

Fighting Energy (CoL)
Rescue Energy
2x Warp Energy
Call Energy
2x Cyclone Energy
2x Skuntank G
2x SSU
3x Aaron's Collection
2x TGI Energy Gain
Junk Arm
2x Premier Ball
3x VS Seeker
2x Rare Candy
2x Luxury Ball
Pokemon Contest Hall
Looker's Investigation
Copy Cat
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

I have...

Shaymin #14
Drapion Level X #123
Hitmonchan #12

Rising Rivals:
Froslass GL #6
Pikachu #112
Flying Pikachu #113

Other Wants:
1x Darkrai G
2x Roseanne's Research

Interested on...
Azelf Level X
Machamp Level X

2x SP Energy
Buck's Training
Professor Oak's Visit
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

Cml for
I have
2xFrosslass GL( 1 RH and 1 HOLO)
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

i have the following from your wants
Shaymin #14
Drapion Level X #123
Hitmonchan #129
Scyther #130
Lotad SH4
Vulpix SH6

Rising Rivals:

Froslass GL #6

i need from you
Azelf Level X
Machamp Level X
luxray gl

could you please make an offer?
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

I have:
Gallade 4 RR

I need:
Probopass G
Call Energy

Do you have the Carnivine 1 too?
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

My Scyther PT and Froslass GL (RF)

for your Call Energy RF, Luxray GL, and 2 Cyrus's Conspiracy RF
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

Update 6-20, come on someone's got to have a snorlax for trade :-(
RE: Help complete a couple sets? new list.

Updated June 23rd. Will be posting personal values up soon as soon as I can get them worked out.
RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-23

kingdra Master said:
I have the following from your wants
Shaymin #14
Drapion Level X #123
Hitmonchan #129
Scyther #130
Lotad SH4
Vulpix SH6

Rising Rivals:

Froslass GL #6

I need from you
Azelf Level X
Machamp Level X
luxray gl

could you please make an offer?
RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-25

Ok you never answered my question.... how many Super Scoop Ups do you have?
RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-25

Are the RH Uxies (LA) you mentioned near the beginning of your post for trade? If so I have Snorlax Lv. X and a lot of other stuff, mind seeing my list?
RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-26 with prices.

Ok, you aren't a verified seller. So, you need to take down your prices from your haves. Also, your prices in your wants are VERY LOW, like $3-10 too low. I'd recommend raising them.

RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-26 with prices.

CML for 3 volkners please.
RE: Trade me Snorlax X! Update 6-26 with prices.

ESP said:
Ok, you aren't a verified seller. So, you need to take down your prices from your haves. Also, your prices in your wants are VERY LOW, like $3-10 too low. I'd recommend raising them.


Ok this is a bump and reply, not that I need it. The prices on there are not to sell, but approximate values. I will large bold it at the top. I could not find anything about it being disallowed to list values on here.

Also,if you notice the prices on my Haves are also "low" to some people. Besides if I can buy teh cards at that price why would I not trade at that price? I also placed a haggle point at the top, if you don't like the price then haggle about it, trading is bartering not set in stone.