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4-5 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

RE: 3-27 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.


Hey I have a small interest in your Kyogre Groudon Legend, but thats about it.


Hey I was able to get a trade on the Gallade and magnezone primes and found my brother to have the magnezones I needed, so I woudl still trade something for the Uxie, if you want.
RE: 3-27 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

CML for bottom of entei-suicune and Shiny Kyogre? I have some of your low wants (staples) such as ponts, BTS, and some other stuff.
RE: 3-28 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Uh, I guess if you get Unbanned see where I am at with yoru wants.

Hey I have some inteerst in BTS and Pokemon Collector, aslo Absol Prime, Tyranitar Prime and Donphan prime would get some as well.
RE: 3-28 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

How about

1x BTS
Donphan Prime
Tyranitar Prime

Entei-suicune bottom
Entei Raikou bottom
Kyogre Shiny CoL?

I think that's pretty fair. LMK