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4-5 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

RE: Updated H: Uxie X, stuff. W: Gengar Prime, Others

Hi, I would like your:

Uxie Level X
Machamp SF

Out of your wants I have:

Full Rayquaza Deoxys Legend
Full SP Trainer/Supportor/Stadium line
4 Mew Prime
Check my list for your other wants.
RE: Updated H: Uxie X, stuff. W: Gengar Prime, Others

@ GigaDrain:

I didn't really see anything, sorry.


Rhyperior X?

@ Techdeck101:

I am only willing to trade the Uxie X with Gengar Primes involved.


Hey I am not willing to do it up for just one Gengar prime, but I am willing to trade more for a 2nd gengar prime in there with it. by my calculations (just rough ones to be sure) Gengar primes are around BiN $35-$45 on ebay and the Uxie X BiN is around $49-$65. TnT lists them at $43 for Gengar and $60 for Uxie (well, .99 cents before those, but whatever on a penny, lol.) I have these from your list and may be willing to part with a little more for them:

1 Shiny Ponyta
2 Shiny Vulpix
2 Stark Mountain
Donphan Prime (you need just one or...?)
2x Energy Pickup
4 Seeker
2 Energy Switch
1 Conductive Quarry

and I might have the Toxicraok AR, but need to check on it.
RE: Updated H: Uxie X, stuff. W: Gengar Prime, Others

Please CML for pikachu reprint secret rare
RE: Updated H: Uxie X, stuff. W: Gengar Prime, Others

Bump and @Darkvoid57: uhh, offer i guess,any TSS staples maybe?
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Updated, yay.

@Luxkill, I guess when you get unbanned send me a PM lol.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

HI, I might need your Machamp SF, I made a trade with someone else for it, but I'm not sure if I will get it in time.

Can you give me an offer for it. Please CML
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.


Hey, for a Cyrus' Conspiracy or Collector? I would also be intersted in more of those if you could use anything else, also Your Poketurns, if you can find anything. I also have 3 Rare Candy I could trade towards those thats not listed.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

I get back to you after I get the Mail.

PS. I might want your Scizor Prime
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Please CML for:
Charizard G level X (set)
Palkia/Dialga Top Half
Arceus Colorless (Ripple swell)

Let me know if you find anything.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.


K, just let me know.


I am interested in your 2x Rhyperior X, let me know.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

The only thing that I have from your wants is a shiny Drifloon, but it's not in great condition. However, I really want a playmat with a Jumpluff and a Vileplume on it, and I can't send money. Could you Check My Link please?

EDIT: I do have some staples, like Rare Candy and Judge.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Rhyperior Lv.X (Promo)

Charizard G level X (set)
Palkia/Dialga Top Half
Arceus Colorless (Ripple swell)

LMK or counter offer. I'd rather not trade both of my Rhyperior Lv.X. Is there anything else you want from me?
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Would you do:
1x Rare Candy (any set okay or UL only?)

2x Machop RH SF
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

@ AdrianSkyline:

Uh, I dunno, maybe a DCE or something? LOl, hard with such a small want, lol.

@ Decmaster:

Hey, I didn't really see much it woudl take something I really really want to make a mat for cards now, and I didn't see anything, sorry :-(

@ GigaDrain:

Hey, didn't see anything :-(

@ Afro-G:

Yea thats not going to work for me, Rhyperior X is only around $8-10 for promo or regular, and both the Charizard G X and PDL Top are that much. I might be willing to go a little over in value for the Rhyperiors, so maybe something like:

Charizard G X
Arceus (Ripple swell)
Vulpix Shiny or Call energy

2x Rhyperior Level X (1 promo, 1 set)

Let me know.

@El Radar:

Kinda small, but OK, send me a PM.
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

please CML for:
Basic Dark Energy x2
Black Belt

if you have them...
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

I have alot of collectors, some uxies, lmk what we can workout possibly for a playmat. lmk
RE: 2-15 H: Loads.. W: Staples, collection stuff.

Please CML for Kingdra Prime, Feraligatr Prime (pack), and Scizor Prime. I'm also interested in your custom mats. Pm me about that.