(4) BW Collection Cards, More Sugimori Artwork, Starter English Names on Monday, Cities Items [11/19

Guys, let's stay on-topic. Don't post messages about how it's taking too long, or what you're going to do since it's taking too long, or anything along those lines. The names / art will be revealed when they feel it's appropriate. No need to keep bringing it up.
Okay, gonna try to calm down... XD But it's sooo exiting!!! :O

*calm down asta... find your inner rest...* But.. but I can't..*you can asta. just try it.* But what if I fail master wha... *You will not fail. just try it. find your rest!* I think I might get a cookie, cuz I don't think thi... *SHADDAP! GET DOWN AND REST!!!* ...


okay and now ontopic... XD I Hope it will be released soon! :O it's gonna be hard to forget the japanese names and use the english ones XD

Ehm.. Tsutarja: Leasnada (Leafsnake)
Pokabu: foinker (fire oinker)
Mijumaru: weater (weasel water)
You guys do know that they probably not only will reveal the starters names, BUT, ALSO the regions name?! And other stuff? English boxart? Because if they're gonna show off some starters... what is the starters FOR?! 8D
Alright, since people continue to spam and post about what I said not to post about, the thread is being locked.

You can discuss the names once they're revealed in the News Story Thread that will inevitably be made once they're put on Pokemon.com.

Usually I'd agree with you Xous. But in this case, as long as people use proper spelling and grammar and don't act like idiots, I think it's fine if they voice their frustrations and excitement. We'll lock this thread again, however, if that changes. You have all been warned. Post at your own risk.

But the main page told us to discuss the english name reveal and Pokemon Company did say through their website... I'm pretty sure its unfair just to say not to talk about it because its annoying you personally right? There's also nothing else to talk about that hasn't been talked about either here or someone else anyway.
To Rangermon: It's just when it's the same thing over and over (and short, spammy posts make up a decent chunk of what people are saying about the matter), then I find it time to kindly ask people to move on.

But WPM is right, as long as it doesn't start going way downhill, it should be fine to discuss them not revealing the names yet. I just wish people would find a better way to do it, is all. (Like with posts with a bit of length and depth to them.)
Just to say I did actually say my last post in a calm accent, its pretty hard to convey emotions over the net. Although I am that excited about the new english version information, It is frustrating. What time is it in the American timezone central? As in (???+0)
Right now it's 2:45. I think we'll get them before 4:00... if not, 5:00 at the absolute, absolute latest.
Perhaps they'll be released when kids get out of school in the Pacific time zone (3PM, 6pm EST). It would only make sense.
what is taking them so long i wasted my stay in recess coupon+ woke up at 5 in the morning for this
my guesses

plus you guys (and girls) think of the anime i went 2 hour just saying their names like how they do in the anime plus they have to have the same amount of sylibells
Went to sleep from 1:30 - 9:00, nothing. It's cool i'll be patient, it's not like they're not going to tell us. I'll put my final predictions (with their evolutions) even though they might not be right.
Mijotter - Dojotter - Samurtide

Slivy - Slivine - Serplant

Pokabu - Wrestlit - Boaruption