• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

4 Qualifying Deck Lists From Japan


Aspiring Trainer
This is just a post to give others a better idea of what the original expected top tear decks for this format looked like. This information was gathered from Eye on Japan and other web sources.

3x Darkrai EX
1x Shaymin EX
3x Hydreigon
1x Zweilos
2x Deino (DARK)
1x Deino
3x Sableye
1x Sigilyph

Trainer & Supporters:
4x Professor Juniper
3x Bianca
4x N
4x Pokémon Catcher
3x Dark Patch
3x Rare Candy
2x Eviolite
3x Ultra Ball
2x Level Ball
3x Max Potion
2x Random Receiver

8x Basic Darkness Energy
4x Blend Energy Grass/Fire/Psychic/Darkness

4x Gible {sand attack}
3x Gabite {dragon call}
4x Garchomp {mach cut}
3x Swablu {song}
3x Altaria
3x Emolga {call for family DE)

4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca

2x Random Receiver
4x Pokemon Catcher
1x Super Rod
3x Rare Candy
2x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball

4x Blend Energy WFLM WaterFightingLightningMetal
8x Fighting Energy Fighting

Mewtwo EX/Terrakion/Bouffalant
(There are also great Tornadus EX and Terrakion EX versions of this type of deck.)
4x Mewtwo EX
3x Terrakion
2x Bouffalant (DE)

Supporters & Trainers
4x Professor Juniper
2x Cheren
3x Bianca
4x N
3x Exp Share
4x Switch
2x Tool Scrapper
2x Eviolite
3x Ultra Ball
4x Pokémon Catcher
1x Potion
2x PlusPower
2x Random Receiver

9x Fighting Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

4x Rayquaza
2x Rayquaza EX
2x Raikou EX
3x Tynamo (HP40)
1x Tynamo (HP30)
4x Eelektrik

4x Professor Juniper
4x N
4x Bianca
2x Random Receiver
4x Pokémon Catcher
4x Energy Switch
3x Level Ball
3x Ultra Ball
3x Switch
1x Skyarrow Bridge

7x Lighting Energy
5x Fire Energy
I think everyone knows these decks already, you didn't post your reason for posting them here.

Are you wanting to build one and looking for advice?
I don't think the last deck will be viable unless A) you're super lucky or B) you're super rich.

Personally, I don't like the Gachomp list at all. Where'd you get it from? I know the one from the PCG Blog is different. In Garchomp you should always have 4 Level Ball because once you set up your deck you have access to all of your Pokes (besides Emolga, but that shouldn't matter).
First of, there were 5 lists qualifying to Worlds. 4 BW-on, 1 DP Palace. Secondly, thore lists aren't the winning lists. Winning decks were Hydreigon/Darkrai, Garchomp/Altaria, Eel/Rayquaza, Eel/Zekrom and the one in DP - Darkrai/Mewtwo/Dialga G
There are those lists (as well as the other age group lists): http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=164162
sid18 said:
I think everyone knows these decks already, you didn't post your reason for posting them here.

Are you wanting to build one and looking for advice?

Here is my reason.
"This is just a post to give others a better idea of what the original expected top tear decks for this format looked like."

I'm not playing with any of the decks on this list.

Mudkip711 said:
I don't think the last deck will be viable unless A) you're super lucky or B) you're super rich.

Personally, I don't like the Gachomp list at all. Where'd you get it from? I know the one from the PCG Blog is different. In Garchomp you should always have 4 Level Ball because once you set up your deck you have access to all of your Pokes (besides Emolga, but that shouldn't matter).

The sad thing about the Eelektrik/Rayquaza deck is that is is the cheapest deck in Japan and is the most expensive deck everywhere else.

I went back over the Garchomp list and found i posted the wrong list thanks for pointing it out. This list is closer to the original list.

4 Gible (60 HP)
4 Gabite (w/ Dragon Call)
4 Garchomp
4 Swablu (Sing)
3 Altaria (Battle Song)
3 Emogla (Call for Family)

Trainers & Supporters – 27
4 N
3 Professor Juniper
3 Bianca
2 Random Receiver
4 Level Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
2 Rescue Scarf or Super Rod

Energy – 11
7 Fighting
4 Blend WLFM

Shun said:
First of, there were 5 lists qualifying to Worlds. 4 BW-on, 1 DP Palace. Secondly, thore lists aren't the winning lists. Winning decks were Hydreigon/Darkrai, Garchomp/Altaria, Eel/Rayquaza, Eel/Zekrom and the one in DP - Darkrai/Mewtwo/Dialga G
There are those lists (as well as the other age group lists): http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=164162

I only posted 4 because the DP-on does not apply to us. I posted 4 different decks that all made top cut for anyone looking for ideas to make a new deck. Hydreigon/Darkrai list i posted is the top Japanese deck at the moment and is the original list. Reference-http://www.thedeckout.com/2012/05/eye-on-japan-worlds-qualifiers-in-japan.html Reference-http://www.propokemon.com/deck-articles/japan-national-championships-winning-deck-info-
"I broke the links because i am not familiar with link rules on Poke Beach."

I only posted the lists to give anyone who does not already know a reference to go off of.