4kids really messed up here

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Selling colourful Pokemon to Celadon Game Corner
If you chose Arbok you were WRONG!
Want to know what's really sad about that though?

From what I've heard in the past, the Trainer's Choice segments from the Englsih AG episodes weren't even written by 4Kids at all, but instead people at PUSA. 4Kids isn't guilty this time, or for any of the other Trainer's Choice screw ups in the past.
This makes even worse
The point is, it is really really a hard to make a mistake like this
I've heard it was PUSA, too. I don't know if that's true, though.
If they were in charge of making those things, then how come they stopped doing it when they took over the dub? That's why I think it was 4kids.
FlamingDriscoll09 said:
it would be easy to make a mistake cuz their both snakes ;) xd
Not if you are sponsoring pokemon. Only a noob would make a mistake like that.
I remember reading about another Trainer's Choice mistake about type advantages, but unlike this, it had an answer that was right. They just said another one was right.
Psychic Whisperer said:
I remember reading about another Trainer's Choice mistake about type advantages, but unlike this, it had an answer that was right. They just said another one was right.

You mean, two right answers?
Poke_Gal said:
So.... who was it? 4kids or PUSA? Because both have bad stuff about them...

I think it was PUSA. You're giving 4Kids too much credit if you think that they could have wrote all of those Trainer's Choice segments on their own.
You know, 4kids wasn't the greatest, but PUSA isn't any better.

Plus, unrelated, but WOE(what on earth) is up with Dawn's skirt?

Wow that is almost as bad as them messing up on Pokemon.com a few weeks ago where they forgot the word Diamond on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl:Battle Dimension.:)
Yeah, Pokemon USA is no better than 4Kids was, when it comes to making mistakes.

However, by far the worst mistake Pokemon USA has every made was replacing the original cast back in 2006. X_X

When it comes to that particular subject, you know which "side" I'm on, just by looking at my signature. :)

(but I'm not gonna get into that in this thread, cause I don't wanna start a debate with anyone, lol - if someone wishes to discuss VAs, they can PM me) XD
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