Pokemon 4th Gen Pokemon

yeah, the new ones all look a bit... blearf. (lucario=steel and fighting!? WAVE guiding hero!?) I just want to see the starters really, I wish nintendo would hurry up!
me too its really anoying that they released the starters for diamand and pearl, but i think the known pokemons are fine
RE:  4th Gen Pokemon

xxashxx said:
I am a member of that site too go to www.neopets.com to sign up it is free.:)
^Have you been slapped lately?

Anyway, when I first saw the new Pokemon, I thought relatively along the lines of what you guys are thinking. But then again, I thought almost the same way when I saw the R/S Pokemon. By now I've learned to like all the new guys. (Except for that annoying otter. I hope he has a crap evolution line and crap stats. That way people would get him and I'd laugh at them and say: Hah! You got him! He has a crap evolution line and crap stats! Hah!)
What do you mean have I been slapped lately?:)
^Neopets...umm, is sorta...lame. With the ONE exception of Meerca Pets. That game owns. Instead of wasting time on Neopets, waste more time on Pokemon.
I waste my time here and I leave some time for neopets too.:)