(5) Victini Deck Cards, Victory Medal, Claim Eeveelution, Lenora, Ash Captures [5/17]

Wow, They really have been giving out a lot of Pokemon releated to Ash. Ash's Pikachu, Pidove (based off Ash's), Ash's Scraggy, and now Reshiram and Zekrom will have Ash as their OT. They are really changing it up for this movie! :D Maybe he will use Reshiram and Zekrom in battle to fight the bad guy....
Wow, a basic that does 1 for 120 is insane. I know you have to flip double heads, but I'd like to think of it as doing 30 damage on average for one energy, which is good for a basic.
I think Lenora's apron has more to do with the fact that it just randomly appeared and disappeared when it felt like it. I can't be the only one who noticed this when looking at the episode pictures.
My thoughts on the news briefly:
-Fire Victini is basically a Basic version of Cinccino: good for Cino decks!
-Simisear can be amazing, but risky.
-Victory Medal is nothing special, I don't regret opting out of my BR.
Really? A racial thing? I look at her in an apron as a mother-like person. The apron for cooking stuff and that. Positive stuff.
Wow, a basic that does 1 for 120 is insane. I know you have to flip double heads, but I'd like to think of it as doing 30 damage on average for one energy, which is good for a basic.
I do indeed see that, however, also keep in mind that Victini only has 60 HP, and therefore, it isn't going to survive very long. Having an attack like V-Blast in this case is permissible.
^but doing 120 T1 every time is amazing. that will kill most basics and stage 1's. filling up the bench on T1 isnt hard...just a collector and communications to get more basic is all you need
Wait what. The Victini that does 120 damage requires a coin flip. The Victini that does 100 damage needs to have a full Bench. To be perfectly honest, both Victini aren't good. I'd rather not include a tech that only has 60HP and can only hit 25% of the time, and the Fire Victini is outclassed by Cinccino.
^but doing 120 T1 every time is amazing. that will kill most basics and stage 1's.
You realize Psychic Victini only has a 25% chance of dealing damage? You need to be a bit of a lucksacker.
"Flip 2 coins. If either of them is tails, this attack does nothing."
Think about it.
I don't think Cinccino outclasses Fire Victini, I personally think they are even. I came up with a way to get victini set up with a full bench by turn two.

I also see the other victini as a decent starter. Even if it's only a 25% chance, the potential of getting rid of their starter turn 1 is pretty good and I think it's worth playing.
teeboy23 said:
Maybe he will use Reshiram and Zekrom in battle to fight the bad guy....
Yeah, of course he does. He's shown in multiple trailers to be on Reshiram/Zekrom's side and holding out his hand as if he were telling it to use an attack.
Trying to get my Leafeon..Why is it saying that i'm not qualified? And I KNOW I saved Leafeon.
I like that ability on Cofagrigus. It's pretty funny, I think. "Preserved Corpse" HAR! Don't like his weakness though. Is Yamask even out yet in Japan? What does that one look like?
I like the fire Victini. It could be a strong donk deck in the future with Pachirisu CL and Shaymin UL.
I like that ability on Cofagrigus. It's pretty funny, I think. "Preserved Corpse" HAR! Don't like his weakness though. Is Yamask even out yet in Japan? What does that one look like?
Yamask isn't out yet, meaning that there's a Yamask in that starter deck as well.
Probably. I guess we'll have to wait until Red Collection to get our Cofafriguses. Hopefully Chandelure will be in Red Collection as well. Do you think that there's any possibility of these decks and their cards coming to the rest of the world?
teeboy23 said:
Trying to get my Leafeon..Why is it saying that i'm not qualified? And I KNOW I saved Leafeon.

I'm having the same problem. It says, "You need to be qualified to participate in the promotion. Please check the pokemon trainer club." I completed that annoying mini-game like a month or more ago and I got Glaceon, and I have been waiting. Best bet submit a trouble ticket, I have re-opened mine 3 times already waiting for a solution. I know for a fact I completed that weird pong type game, got the Eeveeolution from the gumball machine and accepted it. I do not know what the PGL or Trainer's Club is doing, but it is really irritating.
I sent an email to TPCi telling about this.....You should do the same.....Because it's not just us.....There are several other people having the same problem....
teeboy23 said:
I sent an email to TPCi telling about this.....You should do the same.....Because it's not just us.....There are several other people having the same problem....

Thats what I did through the pokemon.com site where the promotion first originated. I am still waiting for them to reolve the issue. I have gotten 2 responses to my first two trouble tickets. They were not sufficient so I re-opened the request and am now waiting to hear back from them on the third response.
...you, me, and about half the people who played the stupid game are apparently having trouble with it. I have a feeling it's the way the site deals with cookies and such...which, imo, is very poorly.

I believe I even played the game on a computer that wasn't at home to get Espeon as well. Either they need to fix the bug, or redo the promotion so it involves using a password instead (and, once you use one password, you can't use another to get a different Eeveelution). That's my take.

But yeah. I'm miffed. Want Magic Bounce now plz. The frustration I wasted on that game was too much. I shouldn't be forced to be rejected to have what is rightfully mine...