5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame

^ Don't use WoW on Chandelure if it's more of a sweeper; try Energy Ball. Super effective to what mainly counters you: Rock.
If you wanted to, you could replace CM with Psychic and WoW with Energy Ball and use a Choice Scarf because Chandelure isn't the fastest Pokemon in the world.
Hope I helped!
OshawottFan said:

Pokemon: Chandalure
Item: ?
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31
Move 1: Flamethrower
Move 2: Will-O-Wisp
Move 3: Shadow Ball
Move 4: Calm Mind

I honestly am spanking new to competitive battling so I thought I would start with a standard sweeper and I came across Chandalure

I have a perfect Chandalure (Keep in mind this is for DS battling not simulator) that will be EV'd soon but I need help with a item and moves. Please help I really need it :D

Item: Choice Specs/Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
Nature: Modest (It'd really be better if you had a Timid nature here instead.)
Fire Blast
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball/ Hidden Power Ground

Explanation: Use Choice Specs if you want a Pokemon that can dent anything that attempts to switch in, use Choice Scarf if you want a strong revenge killer. Fire Blast and Shadow Ball are both the STABs you're going to be working with mostly. The only things that I can think of that resist that combination is Heatran and Tyranitar, which is why HP Ground and Energy Ball are options. HP Ground OHKOs Heatran, although, Heatran run Balloon often. Energy Ball hits Tyranitar, who'll Pursuit trap you, and Bulky Waters. Overheat really dents anything that doesn't resist it, but it lowers your Sp. Atk, making it rather unattractive. It should be noted that your STAB moves usually do more damage than your coverage moves, so you'll most likely be using your STAB moves.
Thank you SO much for your feed back so here is what I have to say:
What do Specs/Scarf boost?
I probebly won't be using Overheat so anything else there?
Again thank you SO much :D
OshawottFan said:
Thank you SO much for your feed back so here is what I have to say:
What do Specs/Scarf boost?
I probebly won't be using Overheat so anything else there?
Again thank you SO much :D

Choice Specs boosts your SpAtk, but locks you into using only one move. Choice Scarf boosts your speed, but locks you into using only one move.

If you don't want to use Overheat, replace it with Energy Ball and use HP Ground.
How do I get HP ground? what IV combo is needed to get ground?
For now this is what my CHandalure looks like:

Pokemon: Chandalure
Item: Choice Scarf/ Specs
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31
Move 1: Fire Blast
Move 2: Shadow Ball
Move 3: Energy Ball
Move 4: Calm Mind ???
OshawottFan said:
How do I get HP ground? what IV combo is needed to get ground?
For now this is what my CHandalure looks like:

Pokemon: Chandalure
Item: Choice Scarf/ Specs
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/4 Hp
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31
Move 1: Fire Blast
Move 2: Shadow Ball
Move 3: Energy Ball
Move 4: Calm Mind ?

Don't run Calm Mind. You should never run stat-boosting moves with Choice items. Choice items lock you into using just one move, meaning that if you were to use Calm Mind; you'd be locked into just using that move until you switch out. The boost to your stats would be irrelevant and would just allow your opponent to set up on you. ;P

Oh, I forgot that you have all 31 EVs, meaning your HP is Dark. I forgot what combination gives you HP Ice with 70 bp, sorry.

If you really want a Chadelure with HP Ground, you'll have to breed a new one. I'd honestly just run it with Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, and Overheat.
But you said Over heat would dent me if I over used it so is there any others I could replace it with?
OshawottFan said:
But you said Over heat would dent me if I over used it so is there any others I could replace it with?

I meant you would dent others, not yourself. >_>

It's a competitive figure of speech. Whenever you 'dent' something, you take a reasonable chunk of their health away. Overheat does more damage and is more accurate than Fire Blast, yet it sharply reduces your health. Don't fret over the Sp. Atk decrease, though. Chandelure is really meant to be a hit and run Pokemon with a choice item.
I know it was a figure of speech or else my DSi would be dead :p Thank you very much and I think I will be using Specs and OverHeat :D Thank you :D
TheDarkLucario said:
Electro said:
Vespiquen @ Leftovers

Nature : Sassy

Evs : Hp : 200 / Def : 56 / Sp.D : 252


-Defence Order
-Heal Order

Well When I Put This Build Together I Was Looking For A Toxic Stall And This Is What Came Out.
First off, I wouldn't use Heal Order. Roost does the same thing, but Roost gets rid of her horrible second typing.

I'm really questioning Vespiquen as a defensive Pokemon. While her defenses (70/102/102) are great in the lower tiers, her typing, Bug and Flying, makes her useless if SR is up. Her typing is really what limits her so much. Rock-type is often always a common attacking type, plus you have weakness to Fire and Electric, which makes it harder for you to wall anything. Also, her low speed lets many Pokemon take advantage of her rather easily. Plus, I'm not even sure Vespiquen would ever survive in the standard metagame with all the weather, entry hazards, and strong sweepers. Maybe once all the tiers are decided and she's placed back in NU, where she's most likely headed, she might have a niche in NU and UU. Might.

If you really want to run Vespiquen, I recommend using this set:


Item: Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 SpDef
Nature: Careful
Defend Order

Explanation: Basically, you set up subs and then stall with Roost and Toxic. Defend Order increases both of your defenses, making it harder to break your subs. Your ability, Pressure, is also excellent, epically behind a sub. This set really loses to any Steel type, so it's recommended to run a good counter for any steel types you can't handle. I also highly suggest you also have a spinner to get rid of entry hazards, because if SR is up, Vespiquen is basically useless for the entire match.

Roost is a move you can only get with in the fourth/third gen so thats why i had heal order and a spinner might work as well to get rid of entry hazards that annoy everyone

Mewtwo @ Life Orb (?)
EDIT: Nature - Timid
EVs: 4/0/0/252/0/252

(I invested in HP to make up for LO recoil.)


Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball (?)

The reason I kept both Psystrike and Psychic is to provide special and physical coverage (i.e. to destroy Cloyster and Chansey). The other moves are for Dark and Ghost coverage.

What ya think?
Well, you'll probably get DC'd on when you use a Mewtwo in standard battling.
Also, post its nature. They mean everything in Wi-fi battling.
^Well what's the rest of your team? Because a lead can do more than commit suicide and set up entry hazards. I use mine for entry hazards and then a bit of the stalling side. So, yeah, it will help to know the rest of your team.
I really don't know yet cause I want to base it off my lead. I really want to use:
Maybe Haxorous
I am really open to any suggestions :D
I don't know about Haxorus, sorry. His defenses kind of suck plus his speed is less than average. I suggest putting a Terakion and Salamence there as well. For the next spot, I would say a Tentacruel and for leading a Ferrothorn.
Any movesets or EVs? I think I will stick with just 5th gen for now so no Salamance or Tentacruel :(
Hmmm...I would go with Jellicent and Hydreigon then. I'll get the movesets and such tomorrow.
How's this for a physical sweeper that shines in double battles.
Darmanitan@ Life orb
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SAtk)
Ability: Sheer Force
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Hp
-Flare Blitz
-Rock Slide
Description: First, send out Darmanitan and a pokemon with tailwind. Aerodactyl is one of the best, with the potential to learn roost, tailwind, protect, and it has high speed. Next, have the other pokemon use tailwind, doubling all your pokemon's speed. This allows Darmanitan to outrun anything. After that, just sweep to your heart's content. Now, tailwind only stays in effect for three turns, so the flying type's main purpose after tailwind is to stay alive. This is why Aerodactyl is good because it can heal itself and protect itself. Hope this helps!
I'm not too experienced in double battles, but wouldn't the combination of Aerodactyl and Darmanitan die to anything using Surf? It seems kind of pointless to be running them both at once, tbh.