Annihilator27 said:Velociraptor Electric/Rock and Spinosaurus Water/Rock
paddy185 said:If there are any, I'm hoping for Archaeopteryx, a Prehistoric bird. I would also love some based on Prehistoric aquatic life, such as Icthyosaurus, Pleiosurus (species could be called the 'Possible Loch Ness Monster Pokemon), and Liopleurodon.
ProfessorJ said:fire/rock then. BTW we have dodo birds already. doduo and dodrio (their names sound like thats what they are based from, so im like 95% sure we have dodo's already lol)
Meaty said:^Isn't Bastiodon that? Or is he a triceratops? That just amde me realize which ever one Bastiodon isn't, we need that!
Card Slinger J said:We already have a Loch Ness Monster Pokemon and it's Lapras...