Wi-Fi Trades 6 IV Ditto Giveaway!

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Hi Yakkov,

I just started my Pokemon journey and I heard so much about breeding and the need of having a 6IV ditto! I would really appreciate and be happy if you are able to sent me one! Nature and level doesn't matter for me as I read about the ever-stone parent trick. My friend code is 2080-0966-7172 if you don't mind adding back ;)
I deposited a level 31 Stunfisk with a Yakkov message. Hope to hear from you soon and have a great day ahead!
IGN : Bolf
Pokemon : Pelipper lvl 36
Nature jolly or timid
Message : YAKKOV

Thank you really much :)
Sorry for the late reply everyone. I will go onto GTS and trade Ditto now =3
Hi Yakkov!
I would love any lvl 91+ ditto if you are still giving them away? (Preferred nature adamant but I'll take anything).
I have deposited a lvl 49 Noctowl M.
My name is Justin and FC is 0877 0856 7145.
Thank you so so so much!

Ditto Sent!
Hey @Yakkov, I'd love to have one of your 6IV Dittos, an Adamant nature would be great, but any other nature it's OK. Thank you very much! I've submitted a level 38 male German forretress (forstellka), Thank you very much! Yakkov!

Ditto Sent!
Hello Yakkov!

Deposited my Level 30 Hypno on the GTS.
Message: Yakkov
Level: 91 or higher
Nature: Jolly / Adamant (or any will do)

My trainer name is Meliodas.
FC: 0405-0596-9314

Thanks a bunch man!

It seems your Pokemon was snipped. Can you put up another please?
Hello Yakkov!

I deposited a level 49 Tentacruel in the GTS
Message: Yakkov
Level: 91 or higher
Nature: Preferrably Modest or Adamant, but any will do

My trainer name is Kira
FC: 0920-4282-4556

Thanks so much! :)

Ditto Sent :3
Hi Yakkov!

I'm not sure if you are still doing this, but I would greatly appreciated a ditto to get started battling.

I don't really mind the nature of the ditto. I have posted a lv. 36 Gourgeist with the message Yakkov.

My trainer name is Spiffy and my FC is 5043-2055-8293.

You would be my saint and hero forever :p

It seems your Pokemon was snipped. Can you put up another please?
Hi Yakkov,

I just started my Pokemon journey and I heard so much about breeding and the need of having a 6IV ditto! I would really appreciate and be happy if you are able to sent me one! Nature and level doesn't matter for me as I read about the ever-stone parent trick. My friend code is 2080-0966-7172 if you don't mind adding back ;)
I deposited a level 31 Stunfisk with a Yakkov message. Hope to hear from you soon and have a great day ahead!

It seems your Pokemon was snipped. Can you put up another please?
Sure. I just put out a level 44 graveler with a yakkov message. Hope you can sent me again and hopefully no one snipped again =(
I just checked and it got snipped again =((
This time round, i deposited a level 36 watchog with the Yakkov message and a level 91 level requirement. Really hope that it would not be snipped again. =(
Thanks in advance!
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I just checked and it got snipped again =((
This time round, i deposited a level 36 watchog with the Yakkov message and a level 91 level requirement. Really hope that it would not be snipped again. =(
Thanks in advance!

Ditto Sent :3
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