Hey there I am kind of just starting my journey into the competitive scene and I was wondering if the giveaway is still going.
Yeah, of course! The Ditto giveaway is pretty much not going to end.
Hey there I am kind of just starting my journey into the competitive scene and I was wondering if the giveaway is still going.
Lvl 15 Female Heliolisk
Ign: Ronald
Message YAKKOV
Requested Ditto Lvl 91 or Higher
Hi can I get a ditto? Any level and any nature is fine i deposited a level 7 female flabebe requesting ditto message is yakkov. my IGN is talon.Thank you!
Ask for a level 50+ Ditto and that should workGood Point! I can't do lvl 90+, since I don't know the level of the Japanese Adamant Ditto.
My new Pokemon deposited:
Deposited: Level 2 Male Zigzagoon
Requesting: Ditto Any Level (though I specifically want Japanese Adamant)
Message: YakkovAdamantJPN
IGN: Rabbit
Edit: Even that got taken, info updated
Thanks in advance!
level 6 Cottonee (female)
Ditto (any nature) lv91+
IGN: Rhys
thanks in advance sincerely!
Deposited: Level 9 Female Duskull
Requesting: Ditto 6IV, any nature
IGN: Simon
I would, but I don't know howAsk for a level 50+ Ditto and that should work
Hey there, just sending a follow up thread from yesterday!
Posted a LV36 Donphan in exchange for LV 91+ Ditto!
Requesting for Bold JPN Ditto
Thanks again for the event!
I would, but I don't know how. I can only restrict it by a group of ten levels.
@Yakkov My new attempt:
Deposited: Level 12 Female Makuhita
Requesting: Ditto Any Level (though I specifically want Japanese Adamant)
Message: YakkovAdamantJPN
IGN: Rabbit
Lv. 2 Zigzagoon (female...I think) looking for a
Lv. Any Ditto
Msg: Yakkov
@Yakkov I got it! (As said in the Makuhita's name,) Thanks a ton!
Re-deposited with the correct level range!
Changed deposited pokemon though,
Whismur LV7
Fixed my pokemon its now a level 1 vulpix
same message and level request tho