Hello, I've deposited a lvl 1 Pichu named Yakkov, I'm looking for a lvl 100 modest ditto with destiny knot to breed with.
My IGN is Tommy.
Thanks in advance!
Ditto Sent!
Hello, I've deposited a lvl 1 Pichu named Yakkov, I'm looking for a lvl 100 modest ditto with destiny knot to breed with.
My IGN is Tommy.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you again! It's greatly appreciatedDitto Sent!
Alola! , I've deposited a lvl 54 Klefki named Yakkov. could I please have lvl 90+6 or 5 iv ditto with any nature? ( would really be nice to start the breedings )
my IGN is Littner and many thanks in advance, have a nice day!.
Hi, I have deposited a lvl 57 Granbull with the name of TY Yakkov, looking for lvl 91+ ditto.
I'm looking for a 6IV ditto (any nature would be fine) holding a destiny knot to start my breeding.
My IGN is weisheng, and thank you in advance!
ok, i deposited a lv 58 Lurantis named Yakkov in the gts now.It seems like it was snipped. Can you re-submit a new Pokemon please?
ok, i deposited a lv 58 Lurantis named Yakkov in the gts now.
oh..... surprisingly i did get a shiny 6iv dittoIt seems like that one was snipped as well >.<
oh.... surprisingly i did get a shiny 6iv ditto!!!
not sure who did it but thank you so mucho/
Hi, I've deposited a lvl 31 Poliwhirl named Yakkov. Could I please have a 6 iv ditto lvl 91+ with any nature, I don't mind. My IGN is 'Yusuke'. The description is 'Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.' Thank you!
I've deposited a lv.41 Male Gastrodon named Yakkov, looking for a 91+ Ditto. (Hard nature would be nice)
My IGN is Moritz
ThanksDitto Sent!
Hello, I've deposited on gts my 41 lvl male Lycanroc named Yakkov in exchange for ditto. My ign is Enemycoma.
I'm looking for 6IV ditto (any nature would be fine) in regular pokeball
Thanks for your time and help!!
Hi there. I tried so many times to get a perfect Ditto myself, but I always failed. Seems I have no much luck in my games, so I've decided to ask you (or anybody else, who could) for help.
I have deposited a Lv. 25 Ditto named “Reblikant” in a Premier Ball. Nature: Naive. Ability: Limber. OT: Ashleigh (my IGN). It hase 4 IV (HP, Attack, Sp. Atk and Defense) with Pretty Good Sp. Def and Decent Speed. Asking for Lv. 91-100 Ditto. Hopefully it won't be snipped, but I'm prepared for this situation. I have few more 4 IV Dittos to trade. Would appreciate any help.
PS: I'd like to have the Ditto in an ordinary Poké Ball, if possible.