Hi, I posted for a 6IV jolly ditto with a level 44 Gastrodon named Yakkov looking for a level 91 ditto. I am on Ultra Sun and I have added you as well. Thank you in advance and for doing this!
Hello! I posted for a 6IV Jolly ditto with a level 44 Granbull named Yakkov looking for a level 91+ ditto. I am on Ultra Moon. Thank you so much for doing this!
I just posted a level 30 ditto named Yakkov. Asking for a 91+ ditto "that will help me with my adventure."
I would love a 6iv adamant if you still have any!
Hmm, should still be there
I’m in Pokemon sun btwCould I have an adamant 6iv ditto? I just deposited a lvl 42 gastrodon named yakkov. Trainer name is Austin.
What generation is this in?
Gen 7 (Ultra Sun)
Gen 7 (Ultra Sun)
Could I have an adamant 6iv ditto? I just deposited a lvl 42 gastrodon named yakkov. Trainer name is Austin.
I put a Level 31 Hariyama named "Yakkov" onto the GTS. I would love to get one of those Dittos!
Thanks in advance!
I just deposited a male lvl 42 exeggcute. May I please have jolly 6iv ditto? Thanks In advance. You're the best!!!also my trainer name is John.
Hey thanks for that ditto. It’s really cool that you’ve been doing this for so long
Alright, I will check again soon.