I’m looking for a modest level 91+ Japanese ditto
Ign name is Scott
I’ve deposited a level 38 Hariyama.
Thanks very much!
In the seventh gen games right?
Level 27 fearow
Sorry about inconvenience
IGN: S3basuchian
Game: US
Requesting: Level 91+ adamant ditto
Deposited: Level 43 Granbull
Thanks in advance
I’m looking for a modest level 91+ Japanese ditto
Ign name is Scott
I’ve deposited a level 38 Hariyama.
Thanks very much!
Hi Yakkov! Could I please have a Modest nature Ditto? My IGN is Osama and I've deposited a Level 30 Tsareena.
Thank you![]()
Could I get one as well please? I’ll put the information of a Pokémon once you reply to me to avoid overwhelming you![]()
No problem. Just deposited a Level 34 Lurantis. Thank you!It looks like your Pokemon was snipped. Can you put up another one please?
Asking for a 6iv ditto if available I deposited a lv 53 shellder, ign:chuups
Hi Yakkov, I'm playing on Ultra Sun now. I wanted to get a ditto, any nature will do. I deposited a Hypno, Male, Lv30, named "Yakkov".
No problem. Just deposited a Level 34 Lurantis. Thank you!
Ditto Sent!
Hmm I definitely amIt looks like it was snipped again. Are you nicknaming the Pokemon "Yakkov"?