(6) Note About Site's Future, Pokemon's 15th B-Day, BW Deals, Promos, Redshark [3/1]

Huge congrats on getting into USC Grad School! I know that while you did have trouble devoting time to both the website and school, I'm sure that having Pokebeach on your credentials was a huge boost to your resumé. Best of luck--I'm sure you'll make something great with all of the amazing resources they have.

I completely understand the conflict between school and Pokemon news. While Prof-It! is nowhere near the scale of Pokebeach, keeping things running while still maintaining the best GPA is a hard task to balance. I'll be asking some of the same questions you are now after I graduate next year, so I hope things go well for you!
Well congratulations on your endeavors Water Pokemon Master, I know what I'm about to say might sound kind of arrogant but like many here it would be a real shame to close this website down since you contributed so much for the Pokemon franchise and gotten so far with it. I'd hate to go back to Pojo but then again I don't post on there as much as I used to especially when the majority of their forums mostly consist of Yu-Gi-Oh! players.

There's not very many Pokemon fansites out there other than Serebii which has to have the Mods approve of every post I make before posting it and PokeGym which never lets me post when I want to due to being blacklisted on their server however your site allows me to post whenever I want and that's something I usually don't get from most Pokemon fansites. If you are considering closing down this website and forums at least give it to a Super Mod or someone that can manage to keep the site and forums open.

There are other sites like http://google.com/, HeyTrainer.org, and Marriland even though he deleted his YouTube videos and his account for reasons which I don't know however PokeBeach has been and always will be one of the best I've been to. You can do what you want, If you feel that shutting down this website will benefit you in the longrun then I'm not stopping you, though I do come here alot to PM my friends and post alot so I'll end up losing that kind of access.

What I'm saying is don't let this site and forums die.
Hey, I wanted to point out that there is another Pre-Order special here: http://www.ebgames.co.nz/ds/product.cfm?id=17548&refer=smallhero it's at EBGames in New Zealand.
Congrats on getting into USC Grad School, WPM. I hope you do well in where ever life takes you. Althought it would be a shame if you closed the website, it understandable when you've put so much time and money into schooling.
Good job WPM, it's your decision, but I think a Super-Mod could take care of it, maybe 2, just for it to be more sturdy, but it might not be the same.

I think we might all agree that we'd rather slow news updates, because your work comes fast, over no updates at all.
First thing first Congrats on getting into USC :D
Well its your dream to be a film maker so i think you should a least try to achieve that even if that means closing down the site for
awhile.But we all miss ya :p
Anywho good luck in what ever decision you make :D

Mata ne
I agree. I remember last year when you posted the possible real life Pokemon Movie trailer, you showed that you really wanted to strive for that. Good luck and well done!
Firstly, congratulations. I've been visiting PokeBeach since 2008, and since then I've really grown as a player of the TCG, the Games, and as a fan of Pokemon in general. A huge amount of this puts me in debt to PokeBeach and WPM.

I cannot thank you enough for helping me to grow as a person, getting me through hard times, and helping me enjoy Pokemon even more.

I feel that it is only right that you achieve all of your dreams, in fact, pursue them. Take them on. You can't get anywhere with maybes, and just by telling yourself it's possible, telling yourself you will accomplish it... You will be the best version of you, the happiest and most accomplished you possible.
Good job on the acceptance. School is above all else so good luck if you have to go away a while.

Can't you keep the site running with the moderators to look after it?

When that Pokemon movie becomes a reality pm me. I would like to be a writer for it :)
hey Dude...i`m one of your BEST fans since 2005 I found your great Pokemon News site in cybercafe...ever since that time I noted down this website, pokebeach.com and always been looking forward for every Pokemon news u will bring to us... I feel so sad to hear bout this site is going to be closed but no matter, congratulations on your success! Wish you have a great future...! =')
Congratulation, WPM! You’ll do great at USC. I’m sure you’ll find some type of a balance between grad school and Pokebeach. Remember that you have a lot of people in the community that can help. You’ve built one of the best Pokemon fansites to ever hit the web and I’m sure it’ll be around for many years to come.
Congrats WPM, do whatever you think is best for you! Make your dream become reality! (We're all waiting for your pokemon movie)!
Truthfully, I enjoy reading your stories better than some of the Pokemon news sometimes haha. They are really well written and pretty exciting sometimes. We're all pulling for you :D
Yea, good luck! That was better than all the news! I hope you keep the website, but if you don't think that you are concentrating enough, that is fine. Go on and do what you think is right in your life!