DPPt/HGSS 619's new trade thread. [H] Lv.5 Jirachi's from Colloseum bonus disk!!

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My FC on SoulSilver: 0174 3485 1045

Soo, I'm getting into the video games more, and, I could use some decent pokemon for VGC this year if I play. Remember, I don't have very many poke's atm.

No hacked Pokemon
Don't really care if their cloned or not.

That's about it.

*Note: Don't really ask me what my IV'S/EV'S are.. I have noo idea what you're talking about when you ask.

Haves: (Just ask for what attacks or anything you need to know.)

Shiny Milotic lv.50 (OT. VGC09, Timid Nature, Pokemon event from nats last year. Never touched.) [WILL have to clone!]
Pikachu-Colored Pichu (Will have to clone)
Shiny Defense Deoxy lv.100 (Pokemon Movie 07 giveaway, fateful encounter at level 50, Quiet Nature with moves: Psycho Boost, Zap Cannon, Thunder, and extremespeed)
Ho-oh Lv.70
Lugia Lv.61
Gengar Lv.50
Ho-Oh Lv.70
Latios Lv.35 (never used)
Entei Lv.43
Sneasel Lv. 50
Ursaring Lv. 50
Tangrowth Lv.40
Shiny Shinx (Never touched) [Jolly Nature, met at route 202 on Diamond]
Various Eevee's (hatched from eggs)
Squirtle's (hatched from eggs)
Charmander eggs
Mudkip eggs
Meowth eggs with Assit
7 Jirachi (OT: WISHMKR, All level 5, natures include: Quiet, Gentle, Naughty
Larvitars (hatched from eggs)
And a bunch of other random poke's.

Skarmory lv.100 with Leftovers. Moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Whirlwind, and Roar
Persian Lv.100 with Choice Scarf. Moves: Assist, Protect, Roar, Fakeout
Hypno Lv.100 with leftovers. Moves: Assit, Protect, thunderwave, hypnosis
Tropius lv.x 100 with Leftovers. Moves: Roar, whirlwind, portect, roost
Smeargle lv.100 with Choice Scarf. Moves: Assist, Roar, Whirlwind, Protect
Gengar Lv.100 with Toxic Orb. Moves: Sucker punch, hypnosis, trick, shadowball
Jirachi Lv.100 with moves: Iron head, stealth rock, trick, u-turn


My FC on SoulSilver: 0174 3485 1045

Refs (if they matter - Any questions on my trades, ask these people lol)
Do you want me to close your other thread or this one? Also, the NE Pichu can't be traded.

dmaster out.
can i offer you a pickachu colored pichu and a lvl 100 blastoise for the adamant Jirachi you have?
i trade the pichu colored pikachu for ur lvl 5 jirachi..i can clone :D
añso, the notched/spiky eared pichu cant be traded. :D i can trade (maybe) at 12 o' clock on forum time....:D
my F C is 4469 4125 9628 name sean
I'm interested in these Jirachi from you:

Lonely, Quiet, Hardy, Adamant, Naughty

My shop link is on the first page.
Infernape; Sorry, don't have any Milotic.

dmaster; Sure

springi; If their legit, sure.

Red; Depends on which Jirachi.

Blue; I can trade all but Adamant atm. Spring has first dibs on it. If he doesn't want it, I can trade it. I'll take a look at your trade list.

EDIT: Blue; I need:
Ranger Deoxy
Ranger Shaymin

Idc if their cloned or not really.
Sure. All of them are going to be cloned. Can I get the Lonely, Quiet, and Hardy ones for them?
CML for a Mudkip egg and your Shiny Shinx. Also, do you have any other starters in eggs? Like Treecko, Torchic, and the Sinnoh starters?
mr.619 said:
Infernape; Sorry, don't have any Milotic.

dmaster; Sure

springi; If their legit, sure.

Red; Depends on which Jirachi.

Blue; I can trade all but Adamant atm. Spring has first dibs on it. If he doesn't want it, I can trade it. I'll take a look at your trade list.

EDIT: Blue; I need:
Ranger Deoxy
Ranger Shaymin

Idc if their cloned or not really.

Any jirachi :D
Blue; Sure thing.

Grizzly; I have like, a treeko, charmander, squirtle, mudkip, and like, that's it I think. I needed your PCP pikachu and maybe PCP raichu.

Redlatios; I need the event pichu.
I have Charmander and Squirtle. Treecko and Mudkip will work. Were those the only things you wanted? Cause I'd like to get a Treecko as well.
mr.619 said:
Blue; Sure thing.

Grizzly; I have like, a treeko, charmander, squirtle, mudkip, and like, that's it I think. I needed your PCP pikachu and maybe PCP raichu.

Redlatios; I need the event pichu.
okay, tomorrow monday for me, at 12 o' clock forum time?
i got you on my friend roster already :D
Grizzly; I have a few mudkip, but only one treeko. I CAN trade both. I also have a Torchick, but it's level 5. Not sure if you want it.

Red; Not sure what time that is central, but I'll try to be on.
Well, the starter you don't trade me, I'll get in my game when I finally get around to beating Red.
Grizzly; Would you do then, like, My treeko and mudkip for your PCP Raichu?

Blue; Wish I was on at that time still =/
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