Had a feeling, thanks.The leak with the aether-gladion concept art was confirmed fake by the artist of that art, if that's what you're referring to.
Had a feeling, thanks.The leak with the aether-gladion concept art was confirmed fake by the artist of that art, if that's what you're referring to.
How about a Diamond & Pearl Remake on the Switch?Wasn't that the Magikarp Jump game that came out recently?
I'd imagine this is either something for the Switch or Diamond & Pearl remakes.
How about a Diamond & Pearl Remake on the Switch?
I think there is no reason to remake Diamond and Pearl on a console it already was released (kinda)Mind = blown
However, as much as that would be cool, I feel Nintendo are adamant about keeping the Pokémon main games on their handheld consoles. I suppose it depends whether Nintendo consider the Switch a handheld!
Looking forward to the Direct later today - let's see if you're right![]()
I think there is no reason to remake Diamond and Pearl on a console it already was released (kinda)
Awesome! Especially those Necrozma/Solgaleo and Necrozma/Lunala Fusions!
Well that was disappointing. I'm probably going to skip all of them and wait for a mainline Pokémon on Switch.
Just wanna point out that the new mascots are NOT Solgaleo/Lunala with Necrozma parts attached.
-Look closely, the Solgaleo/Lunala parts are very ethereal, as if they are made of light.
-Necrozma is the prism Pokemon.
Therefore, I would guess that what we are looking at is JUST Necrozma. Somehow, it absorbed the light Solgaleo/Lunala give off, and is reflecting their image to change it's appearance.
Adamant, nice jokeMind = blown
However, as much as that would be cool, I feel Nintendo are adamant about keeping the Pokémon main games on their handheld consoles. I suppose it depends whether Nintendo consider the Switch a handheld!
Looking forward to the Direct later today - let's see if you're right![]()
You do realize that Solgaleo and Lunala are in their Radiant Sun Phase and Full Moon Phase right?