9-11 memories

@Gary Walsh: Well, I worded that wrong. Of course I feel awful for the ones that lost their lives on 9/11, the firefighters that were brave enough to enter that menacing building to save a few trapped souls, ect.

But nonetheless, it's terrible that you had to experience that at a young age. That was the point I was trying to make. Sorry about that. And yes, I completely agree with you. It's unfortunate.
I also feel bad about Middle Eastern people because people in America, whenever they see a Middle Eastern person, the first thought they think is that he is a terroist. It is the same thing with how everybody thought Japanese people were terrible during WWII. Gary Walsh, you are very right when you say history repeats itself.
SinnohTrainer17 said:
@Gary Walsh: Well, I worded that wrong. Of course I feel awful for the ones that lost their lives on 9/11, the firefighters that were brave enough to enter that menacing building to save a few trapped souls, etc.

But nonetheless, it's terrible that you had to experience that at a young age. That was the point I was trying to make. Sorry about that. And yes, I completely agree with you. It's unfortunate.

No, no SinnohTrainer, please don't take it as a personal attack, I was just talking about the situation in general, I apologize for coming off as harsh... I tend to use other people's points as discussion springboards, it just never works out right, haha :). Needless to say, we should all be genuinely concerned for anybody involved in the predicament, past or present. If people could just stop, think, and enlighten themselves to the reality of what's going on, not only would people have a greater understanding of what really happened that day, but a greater willingness to move in the right direction, an action long overdue...
Okay, now I feel bad for not saying Rest In Peace, victims of terrorism in my opening post.
I was in the 4th Grade and my teacher told us about it. I had no clue how they could use our own airplanes against us.

9/11/01--We Will Always Remember. R.I.P. all the brave men and women who risked their lives to save others from the horrific disaster.
At a great distance but it still doesn't matter how far you are it is a sad day. And i would have only been 3 so i never had any clue.

I also feel sorry for the people who survived and got fatally injured. That could scar them for life.
I was in Government class at my high school when it happened. It was a sad day for everyone. I really feel bad for all those innocent people who lost their lives or got injured that day.
I just can't imagine what things must have been like for the survivors who were in the towers just minutes or even seconds before they collapsed. In the UK there was a documentary on Channel 4 that finished about 30 minutes ago (there's one shown every anniversary), and I just cannot comprehend how anyone would even want to remember exactly what happened. :S I know it's a documentary so all the featured people are doing a good job reporting their own personal experiences, but surely, being involved in a serious life-or-death situation and surviving it must have caused so much panic at the time that I'd find recalling such an experience very painful and difficult to cope with. I'm not sure how I'd react to finding myself in such a situation if I knew there was a high chance that I could die. It really makes you think.
I was 4 and was at my grandparents house. (Well, maybe 5. Can't remember.) They were going to close the nearby bridge, so my father came and picked me up. (As you can tell, I don't live far from NYC.) We then went to a school to pick up my mother who was a teacher there. I found out what happened the next day. May all the victims rest in peace.
I was 6, and I'm a Canadian. So I didn't think too much about it. Our school didn't even make an annoucement about it

But as the years went by, the information about the event never left my mind. It's truly a tragic event for both parties, being the USA and the Muslims. Don't think by Muslims, I mean Al-Qaeda. Because of what a small group of Muslims did to New York, the entire group is being dubbed "terrorist", a title they will most likely have until the end of time. All because of one group's actions, the entire population must suffer.

My condolences to anyone who lost a loved one in the event. It was an event that did not need to happen. My thoughts also go out to the USA's muslim's that are being sterotyped as well.
I was 8 years old in 3rd Grade. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was still at home and me and my Mom were getting ready to leave and she heard it on the radio and just kept saying "Oh God" over and over. Pretty scary stuff back then.

dmaster out.
Yeah, I remember coming home and seeing it on the news. I was young then and I probably didn't understand what was really going on. It doesn't feel that long ago to me.
Man I was like 4 when 9-11 happened and all I drew was burning planes crashing into building for like 2 years afterwards, I don't remember much about the actually event but I remember my drawings.
i was only five or so and dont remember that day at all, but im sure thousands will always remember it clearly
i was three years old but i go to a school that had lots of people that died it is sad dang them terorists they make me sick i spit in the face of em all .V.
no i disagree to the people that say we need to forget it and move on. we need to remember what happend. i know what some of you mean on how we need to forget it and move on, but thats wrong. we should never forget this day. its a scar on america that hleps us learn and grow stronger.
I honestly don't remember anything about 9/11, but it was a tragic event in history.

I didn't lose any love ones though.
Well i was in the eigth grade and i was sitting in class and this kid came in the door and he said bomb hase went off in new york so we turned on the tv and i saw the world traits tower i dont think the second one was hit yet.
Well, I wasn't born yet but my mom and my dad were going to fly somewere and the 2nd tower hit and they got interviewd by Fortwayn news and dad said "well I guess we arn't flying to ( inseret location here) anymore." So they drove to Michigan instead. After seeing vids. on Youtube, I said R.I.P. to people I didn't know that got killed on 9/11:(:(