Wi-Fi Trades 9/9 - My Player Thread

Noob Sandwich


My Friend Code: 1246 5223 1092
Name: Nick
Contact Time: Pm me and we can work out a battle/trade.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

Random Pokemon:

Male Wailmer (Level 4)
Swablu Level 16
Flaaffy Level 41
Swinub Level 34
Aerodactyl, Anorith, Cranidos, Omanyte (a few of each - all at Level 20)
Female Venomoth Level 50 (untrained)
Porygon x3 (2x Level 16, 1x Level 18)
Elekid x2 (Level 9 x2)
Magby x1 (Level 25 - Modest)

Bred Pokemon:

Charmander xX Level 1 (no egg moves)
Eevee xX Level 1
Dratini xX Level 1 (all know Dragon Rush)
Phione xX Level 1

Semi-trained Pokemon:

Roserade Level 40 Female
Chatot Level 48 Female (trained - has nickname)
Magnezone Level 36
Shuckle Level 23 Female
Banette Level 50 Female (untrained) x2
Raichu Female Level 45
Mightyena Level 23 Female (untrained)
Bronzong Level 38
Charizard Level 36 Male
Charmander Level 31 Male
Dratini Level 50 Female

Wobbuffet Level 50 Male
Beautifly Level 50 Female
Dustox Level 50 Female
Shedinja Level 50
Shiftry Level 50 Male
Masquerain Level 50 Male
Absol Level 50 Male
Ninjask Level 50 Female

GTS Pokemon:

Blissey Level 50 Female
Torterra Level 41 Male (Japanese)
Torterra Level 36
Charizard Level 46 Female (Japanese)
Venusaur Level 32
Piplup Level 1 (Japanese)
Misdreavus Level 17 (nicknamed FEUFOREVE)
Murkrow Level 13 Female
Turtwig Level 1 (Japanese)
Articuno Level 50
Moltres Level 51
Zapdos Level 67
Mewtwo Level 85
Entei Level 55
Empoleon Level 50 Female (Japanese)
Deoxys Level 63 (has 10 ribbons)
Mew Level 100 (Japanese)
Dialga Level 100 (Japanese)
Ho oh Level 70 (Japanese)
Celebi Level 100 (Japanese)
Deoxys Level 100 x2 (different OT's)
Phione x3 (Japanese)
Infernape Level 42 Male
Jirachi Level 27

Shiny Pokemon:

Shiny Manaphy Level 1 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Arceus Level 80 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Darkrai Level 40 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Shaymin Level 33 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Ho-oh Level 70 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Lugia Level 70 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Mewtwo Level 70 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Mew Level 30 (possibly hacked/cloned)
Shiny Suicune Level 52 (hacked/cloned)
Shiny Ninetales Level 41 (possibly hacked)
Shiny Rapidash Level 55 (possibly hacked)
Shiny Lumineon Level 37 (possibly hacked)
Shiny Buizel Level 8 (legit/cloned)
Shiny Ralts Level 4 Female (legit/cloned)
Shiny Chikorita Level 1 (looks legit, knows Aromatherapy + Solarbeam, cloned)

Legendary Pokemon:

Channel Jirachi Level 100 (legit/cloned)
Moltres Level 50 (nicknamed Lavados)
Zapdos Level 55
Mewtwo Level 79 (legit)
Deoxys Level 32 (legit/cloned)
Celebi Level 72 (10th Anniversary/cloned)
Mew Level 3 (hacked/cloned)
Mew Level 1 (hacked/cloned)
Palcity Mew (Japanese/legit/cloned)

**I have other pokemon that I may be willing to trade if you really want one. They will be harder to get though. Ask for specific ones.

POKEMON I WANT=======================

Shiny Pokemon
Lugia/Ho-oh (legit)
Rare/Trained Pokemon

**I'm also interested in other pokemon that are trained or strong or whatever besides the ones listed above.

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

MAGMARIZER (will clone)
Master Balls
Poison Barb x1
Mind Plate x1
Light Clay x2
Thunderstone x13
Iron Ball x3
Leaf Stone x3
Fire Stone x11
Sun Stone x2
Heat Rock x3
Hard Stone x4
Meadow Plate x1
Water Stone x1
Damp Rock x2
Icy Rock x4
Smooth Rock x3
TMs - ask and I'll see if I have it
Master Balls (a few cloned ones)

ITEMS I WANT=========================

Rare Candies
RE: My Player Thread

i was just woundering what u wanted 4 the geodude just name a pokemon and ill see if i have it
RE: My Player Thread

I have Glaceon lv100? Would you want to trade that for Shiny Geodude? It also has PokeRus! And its legit!
RE: My Player Thread

hey Pokelen what do you want for magby with evolution item
RE: My Player Thread

Espeon101 - Do you have any shiny pokemon you would trade for it?

PokeLen - Sorry, I don't want to trade Geodude for it. He's my only Shiny.

Hiro - Use the pm system or post in PokeLen's thread for a trade. But don't post in mine.
RE: My Player Thread

yup they r but u caqme on to late all i got is the crobat left lol
RE: My Player Thread

i dont even have that anymore i have alakazam and charizard but only trading thos 4 shiny eevees or eevees evalotion
RE: My Player Thread

Espeon101 - Thanks anyway.

light manaphy - Could we work something out for your Manaphies, if they are really legit?