A Budding Broken Deck — Terapagos Loves Budew!


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Since the new Prismatic Evolutions set is mostly full of reprints, the only new card people care about is Budew. Budew is a broken and annoying card that I think would have been better off left in the drafts, but now we have to suffer turn 1 Item lock. It’s been nice having freedom from turn 1 Item lock for so long, I had forgotten what it felt like.
At the very least, each player will have one turn to play Items before Budew can start attacking, so it’s unlikely to make you brick completely. Slower decks that can easily pivot Budew into the Active Spot on turn 1 are the most obvious benefactors. Now that Budew becomes a widespread threat, I expect non-Item setup methods, such as Technical Machine: Evolution, to become more popular. Interestingly, decks like...

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Budew ALLOWS all the decks to PLAY the game. It gives BALANCE back to the game, allows stage 2 decks to be competitive and still allows the game to have comeback opportunities. It restores the game to how it should be.
Strange take given that in the SSP format there were around 10 archetypes capable of winning a regional without causing a major upset, now the entire meta is just Dragapult, Gardevoir, Lugia with Archaludon also being somewhat viable.
I love this slower format cause it lets me play Hydreigon ex in relative peace but if someone actually stalls with Budew then it actually starts to feel awful since half of my setup revolves around items at this time. I use a combination of Janine's and Dark Patch because of Budew.