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A deck from the future: The Night (Darkrai EX and Dragon Blade Hydreigon)

hi, loving the look of the deck. wondering how this deck matches up against mewtwo ex as both Darkrai EX and Hydreigon have high attack costs (3/4) and mewtwo ex could cause some big problems. Some possible additions if you could find the room might be worth squeezing in 2 pokemon catcher, allowing you to pull up unpowerd ex's and high retreat pokemon or there benched ability pokemon (e.g eelektrik, fandango emboar etc.) so slows there game and gives you come easy prizes. also maybe swapping one (DRG) hydreigon for a (NV) hydreigon, it does 60 damage (not that impressive) but 40 damage to two of your opponents benched pokemon whis is realy good it takes down tynamo's, cleffa's and solis' in one and sets up basic legends like terrakion, kyurem zekrom and reshiram for easy ko when they come into play and with special dark energy and darkness claw that 60 can be 90 base damage with ease. in addition all ex's have 180hp max so one snipe from hydreigon then when its in play just one hit from a powered up (DRG) hydreigon for the two prize pick up.
Hmm! I see you've got Musharna as a tech attacker against the fighting types you're weak to, eh? That's pretty cool. If you ever have any spare deck space, I'd recommend adding 1 more hand-refresh card. I've played in TCGO a lot, and I still find myself losing my hand pretty quickly even with 4 PONT's...

Its just a suggestion, though. I'm actually really new to the TCG lately.
You should consider maybe a 2-2 line of Bisharp. With 4 special darkness and a Darkness Tool, you could be throwing down up to 130 damage per turn.
I think energy acceleration (other than trainers) could really help this deck, and it is sad to hear that the hydreihon you are using needs 2 types of energy, so it would be hard to set up. And I think Mewtwo owns this deck. Because, if you don't have a Pokémon that can OHKO Mewtwo, you're opponent can pile energies onto it, and OHKO you. So add in one Mewtwo for a psychic energy so you can OHKO The opponent. 1 Mewtwo is enough for this deck, since it has enough resistance for Mewtwo already. Also some catcher would help this deck greatly, dragging up a threat in the making, and ruining its day.
@Jabber0193 Thanks about your opinion! Catchers are definitely a good idea, I'll see which cards i can swap for adding at least 2. Also, adding a Dark Hydreigon is interesting, but I fear that It'll be very hard to set up everything (2 Hydreigons and Dakrai EX)

@PumpedAaron actually, Musharna was only for drawing power xD my tech against fighting types is Hydreigon, since it's weak to dragon. Anyway, thanks for posting :)

@brownkidd It's an interesting idea, but bisharp has very low HP for the current format. Anyway, thanks for your opinion!

@Giantoshawott yeah, I also think that this deck need energy acceleration, the problem is I cannot find a proper one. Also, the only way that Mewtwo can KO Darkrai is OHKO, since it can be healed with Max Potion. Nevermind, you're right, Mewtwo is still better than Darkrai. I'll consider adding Mewtwo EX, thanks for posting :)
RE: A deck from the futuThe Night (Darkrai EX and Dragon Blade Hydreigon)

Ahiro said:
Also, the only way that Mewtwo can KO Darkrai is OHKO, since it can be healed with Max Potion. Nevermind, you're right, Mewtwo is still better than Darkrai. I'll consider adding Mewtwo EX, thanks for posting :)

You do not need Mewtwo in this deck at all, Darkrai can 2HKO it and spread at the same time. It would take 10 energy to OHKO Darkrai. I honestly see no point in having Mewtwo in here.
This concept is just brilliant. Just put the same thing together earlier and I'm still high on how well it works. lol.
Well anyway, some things you might want to take into consideration:

- Playing 2 Hydreigon from each set (the other one works GREAT with Darkrai's attack)
- Double Colorless (for the above)
- Zoroark as a tech or for earlygame. It especially works now that so many people are playing hardhitters, and if you get the DCE he only takes one.
- SAGE'S. It. Is. BRILLIANT in this deck. Then again, I play it with only 2 psychic energies, so the discarding and picking up dark's works better.
- I would definitely play 4 patches. If not 4 claws as well.

Meh, guess I'll go post my deck. One more thing though, I fear your Musharna will get wiped quite easily, so I'd take it out.
@FaustVIII the problem of taking out musharna is that the deck won't have any extra draw power. I'll consider using Zoroark (and I still have to test this deck with the Dark type hydreigon, lol), and I'm not too sure about sage. Thanks for posting!

@Emopanda133 Yeah, I tested it and it's no good. Nevermind, Mewtwo can hit very hard, so if I dare to battle it I'll need some Max Potion and Junk Arm in my hand.
try using the Hydreigon with the dark aura ability it seems better, and you might want to try using the special darkness energy if your not
Bro, you do know that when that hydreigon is finally able to be played it'l be BW-on, so no junk arm and others.

on the positive side:

donphan counter, just add a prism energy and your good to go.

Consider some revives.
Red blastoise said:
Bro, you do know that when that hydreigon is finally able to be played it'l be BW-on, so no junk arm and others.

I am with you. Taking out all that cards is important. You cannont play them at the same time. Add sableye to replace junk arm and 2 more Ns at least. A 4-2-4 hydreigon could work better. Also replace the 6 phsychic energies for a fire/darkness/physchic/grass blend.