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a deck i plan to build (durperior/durant superior)


Aspiring Trainer
4x durant
2-2-2 serperior (tin promo)

4x pokemon colletor
4x pokemon comunincation
4x prof oaks
4x prof elms
4x great ball
4x switch
4x interveiwers Qs
2x pokeball
2x life herb
2x dual ball

4 rescue energy

okay i have only half of theese cards hahaha. but the point of this deck is to mill with durant, and once a durant gets low on hp, ill retret it for another durant and serperior will heal it on the bench with its royal heal ability (10 damage heal from all pokemon) and basicly juss repet the process. thats why the deck has a high amount of energy. and i can set up reaalll quick with this. my actual durant deck looks nothing like this :p but im working on it!!!! and if a durant is KOd i have rescue energy (which i onlky have one of at this point) this is kina a dream deck but im half way there to building it :) any opinions?? thanks:D

and even if all my durants are low for some reason, i can put out serperior and hold off for a few turns wile i heal :)

and serperior has a solid 60 damage. ik im not looking to take prizes....but a KO dosent hurt! itll keep my durants healthy
Durant is not meant to stay in, because he only has 70HP and a bad fire weakness, so i wouldnt go with serperior
if its not ment to stay then how do i deck my oponent out??? my durant deck whic is similar to this works okay. the only flaw is that serperior seems to get prized alot (only have one in my deck)
Durant is meant to be swarmed. By getting them out fast, you can deck out the opponent while disrupting them the entire game.
Also, Durant decks must run 4 Revive and 4 Junk Arm. Its not optional. By using them, the only way that you would run out of Durant before the opponent takes all of their prizes is if they use Gengar or trainer lock assuming that you don't have FSL, which is a great tech for trainer-lock. That reduces the need for Serperior, especially since its only healing 20 from a durant per turn, and its quite clunky. Potion and/or Moomoo Milk comboed with Junk Arm works just as well and is more consistent than with Serperior.
Dark Void said:
Also, Durant decks must run 4 Revive and 4 Junk Arm. Its not optional. By using them, the only way that you would run out of Durant before the opponent takes all of their prizes is if they use Gengar or trainer lock assuming that you don't have FSL, which is a great tech for trainer-lock. That reduces the need for Serperior, especially since its only healing 20 from a durant per turn, and its quite clunky. Potion and/or Moomoo Milk comboed with Junk Arm works just as well and is more consistent than with Serperior.

Serperior still helps, kinda haha. and revive? im new to the game but im guessing that brings back pokemon from the discard pile? i still like Serperior for my style. this deck works okay....but i dont have all the cards listed in the deck. im keeping serperior, i like it. but i do need 2 more potions and 4 revives. thank you for your advice :)....btw what does junk arm do?
Junk Arm lets you discard 2 cards from your hand to get a trainer from the discard pile. Its an incredible versatile card that is a staple in most if not all non-trainer lock decks. You were correct about Revive, it lets you put a basic Pokemon in your discard on your bench. Its the fastest, most reliable way of recovering Durant. By using Junk Arm you can use it 5-6 times per match at the least so you can use it to keep Durant coming until you are out of prizes. Junk Arm can also be used on cards like Dual Ball to help set up yur Durant, or cards like Crushing Hammer and Potion to keep your Durant from fainting.
oh okay cool! junk arm sounds awsome, if i use a revive i can use it agin so i could use it up to eight times a game! (if i draw the right cards) i think revive is so cool tho. what set is it in?
Serperior is very different way to be going with this deck. Running straight Durant is much more efficient and is all around, flat out better. You don't need Serperior to keep Durants alive, you have revive, special metal, defender, eviolite, rescue energy, etc, it is more than enough. This decklist is really nowhere close to what it should be, but as long as you are keeping Serperior there isn't much point to changing it.