A Fakemon Of Every Type-- Round 1

What typing would you like to see for round 2?

  • Total voters


Hey guys, and welcome to the first round of what will hopefully be a fun and popular art competition!

It's very simple. You're given a type combination, and your job is to create your very own Fakemon with that type. There is a 2 week submission period, and after that a 1 week vote. Then the next competition begins, etc etc

The types we will be using are of those that have yet to be used on existing, real Pokemon. It should make for some pretty interesting entries, I think. :eek:


1) Your entry must have the correct typing
2) You must submit a drawing of your entry, as well as a name. Supporting art is optional, but not necessary.
3) Final evolutions only, although you may include more members of the evolution line in your supporting art.
4) People can work in groups for now. People may also submit up to 3 entries each.

You have until June 4th to submit your entry. After that, a voting period will commence that lasts until June 11th. This will be a public vote done via poll.

So what type are we starting with? Fire/Psychic! Make sure to vote for the type combo you wish to see in round 2 as well! : )

Ask any questions you have in this thread.
2) You must submit a drawing of your entry, as well as a name.

I was psyched until I saw this
I have no problem with people working together so if you find an artist PMJ, you can do a combined entry with them
is this anonymous competition?
is this part of your fakemon pokedex?
Not anonymous, the artists and people who worked with them will be known in the polling process. As for the pokedex, I'd kinda like to start from scratch again, but we'll just see what happens. : D

@ 42 Chocolate: In this here thread. You can post rough sketches and any work in progress here too, just make sure to post your final submission at the end of it all.
bacon said:
Not anonymous, the artists and people who worked with them will be known in the polling process. As for the pokedex, I'd kinda like to start from scratch again, but we'll just see what happens. : D
ok cool. everyone just LOVES me so Ill win. haha jk
We will never be done if we restart!

EDIT: also... if anyone has ideas but needs a pretty ok artist, then PM me with idears.
Here's a tornado thing... I'll come up with a name and a dex entry later. :V


(Posting mainly to bump this thread up :eek: )
pretty beastmode.
howd you make it?
is it a stage 1 pokemon?

mine and Rotom-Cut's idea so far. no color yet. any suggestions?
I kinda just played around in the art program Gimp until the colours looked not-disgusting, and then abused the hell out of the smudge tool haha.

I like the idea you have there, my only concern is that what with the metal tools he has equipped, he might be mistaken for a Steel/Fire type? If you are willing to change your design, I'd like to suggest something like African masks to emphasize the spiritual aspect commonly associated with the psychic type.
true... true....
im not exactly liking the weapons anyways, but when I drew the helmet, it looked like a warrior lol
EDIT: plus the colors will change its looks quite a bit I think
I shall enter this contest.

Here we go. This is Pyrokin. I'll update with color later.

Pokedex Entry: It travels alone and uses fire as its guiding light. When an obstacle approaches, its psychic powers destroy it, making it hard to capture.
Type: Flaming Bull Pokemon
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 107.5 lbs.
has to be fun winning your own contest sam lol

UNTIL OURS IS FINISHED !! we have a basic idea down just need to actually draw it
I see you've somewhat taken the lineart idea to heart, bacon. ;D Though, not gonna lie, it looks more like a fire-flying or fire-ghost type if you ask me. :X

I may or may not be in...I'm pretty sure I have a good starting idea for what to go for though...>3

In the case that I DO enter, I have this Pokedex info all set...for Hiune. \m/
I hate my guy and rushed it really badly, I just wanted to have as many submissions as possible lol

Good to see that interest is picking up though! C:

[Bump, Bump, Bumpity Bump Bump, Bumpa Bumpa Bumppppppp]

@ Yaywater: That type already exists on Giratina, so we won't be using it in this series of competitions
Id love to see: