A Fakemon Of Every Type-- Round 2 Voting

Pick your top 3!


    Votes: 9 17.6%

    Votes: 7 13.7%

    Votes: 1 2.0%

    Votes: 36 70.6%

    Votes: 4 7.8%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 5 9.8%

    Votes: 20 39.2%

    Votes: 4 7.8%

    Votes: 14 27.5%

  • Total voters
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hatedisc said:
You're right. Argentina is just a little better than you.
at least you're the one who drew brazil in this situation.

and you're not losing to skank orange this time either...
Dragnegoak is our winner! Congratulations to Xous for his outstanding entry!

Round three will be up shortly
really glad xous won, his entry really was outstanding. Xous you should be a pokemon designer for game freak :)
i guess i just really don't have the same taste in art OR pokemon as other people...
safariblade said:
stop complaining. you won the last one.

i really question entering any more though, after seeing the various reasons why people voted for xous's over mine (including a very large amount of people that ONLY voted for his despite the pool being "pick the best 3"). that's my problem, not losing.
esperante said:
i really question entering any more though, after seeing the various reasons why people voted for xous's over mine (including a very large amount of people that ONLY voted for his despite the pool being "pick the best 3"). that's my problem, not losing.

Then don't enter. People vote for the things they like, after their own reasons, not for the reasons you think are correct. If you can't accept critisicm then why enter a contest?

Your loss
SinRaven said:
Then don't enter. People vote for the things they like, after their own reasons, not for the reasons you think are correct. If you can't accept critisicm then why enter a contest?

Your loss

what does entering a contest have to do with criticism? that's completely illogical. if you're a musician entering a very well refined classical piece of music into a contest that's being judged by people who prefer hiphop music over classical, a hiphop song of equal (or probably to some degree lesser) quality is going to be the one that wins the contest. not because it's of greater quality necessarily, but because it was done in the STYLE that the voters liked, even if that wasn't a part of the contest or a requirement to enter. i haven't been criticized by anyone, i've just been told that i lost because my entry doesn't follow a nonexistant guideline, even after the contest creator said himself that it shouldn't be the basis for voting. back to my other example.. if you were the classical musician and after the contest were told that you should have accepted people's criticism and made a hiphop song instead, how would you feel about the classical piece that you put all of that work into?

again: i don't care if xous won. i can understand why people like his drawing. i'm only frustrated with it on a princple basis, and even that isn't that big of a deal. i just don't agree with the reasons and voting patterns in the setting. but i never really expected a fair contest from this forum anyways... so i'm finished arguing about it. congrats, xous. i think the moment you entered everyone had good reason to know that nobody else could win. maybe enter first next time? lol
Well, see, that's why I try not to enter contests, and before this one, I hadn't entered a contest for quite some time. It seems like some people give up or say things like, "Well, Xous entered, we're all doomed". Even if only in jest, I don't like it when people act that way. (Thank you to the people who didn't act that way, though. :3 )

I had two reasons for entering this contest, despite trying not to enter contests anymore: I liked the Type combination and already had an idea for it, but I entered mostly because I wanted to see how people would react to me entering a contest again. Sadly it just proved to be like the past contests I'd entered, so things hadn't changed. (Again, thankfully there were some that didn't act like me entering was a big deal.)

As far as how people voted goes, I've got no control over that so I can't say much about it. It's been a topic that's been debated in the past when I entered contests, so I really don't want to go over that whole ordeal again. I didn't even get to vote because I had forgotten about this.

Anyway, I won't be entering contests anymore, so hopefully the voting in future contests won't be an issue. :D

If any of you are upset by me entering or by what I've said here (or something I'm missing), I apologize. bacon, do you want this locked since it's over, or left open?
Xous said:
Well, see, that's why I try not to enter contests, and before this one, I hadn't entered a contest for quite some time. It seems like some people give up or say things like, "Well, Xous entered, we're all doomed". Even if only in jest, I don't like it when people act that way. (Thank you to the people who didn't act that way, though. :3 )

I had two reasons for entering this contest, despite trying not to enter contests anymore: I liked the Type combination and already had an idea for it, but I entered mostly because I wanted to see how people would react to me entering a contest again. Sadly it just proved to be like the past contests I'd entered, so things hadn't changed. (Again, thankfully there were some that didn't act like me entering was a big deal.)

As far as how people voted goes, I've got no control over that so I can't say much about it. It's been a topic that's been debated in the past when I entered contests, so I really don't want to go over that whole ordeal again. I didn't even get to vote because I had forgotten about this.

Anyway, I won't be entering contests anymore, so hopefully the voting in future contests won't be an issue. :D

If any of you are upset by me entering or by what I've said here (or something I'm missing), I apologize. bacon, do you want this locked since it's over, or left open?

Wait, why is it a big deal? I know you are a mod and everything, but what does that has to do with anything? You should be allowed to enter a contest, right?
Boddy903 said:
Wait, why is it a big deal? I know you are a mod and everything, but what does that has to do with anything? You should be allowed to enter a contest, right?

Exactly, me entering a contest should not be a big deal.

However, that's never how it goes - someone always has to say something like "Oh gosh, Xous entered", and then the voting is always called into question, because people seem to have a bias for my art. (Not saying that's right or wrong, that's just the case.)

Anyway, the contests won't suffer with me not entering, so it's no big deal. :3 (If my post made it seem like a big deal, I apologize. xD That wasn't my intent.)
Xous said:
Exactly, me entering a contest should not be a big deal.

However, that's never how it goes - someone always has to say something like "Oh gosh, Xous entered", and then the voting is always called into question, because people seem to have a bias for my art. (Not saying that's right or wrong, that's just the case.)

Anyway, the contests won't suffer with me not entering, so it's no big deal. :3 (If my post made it seem like a big deal, I apologize. xD That wasn't my intent.)

I'll just say that I never really knew who you were, but I really did like Dragnegoak. These contests shouldn't be a popularity thing. People should vote for the ones they think are the ones with best quality and effort.

I looked back at why this argument was started, and I have to say, this is really childish. Petriarch took second. It was really good (and I voted for this one as well), and I actually think it deserved to take second place. Why can't you just be happy with that? Instead of having to complain. Clearly Petriarch and Dragnegoak were the two best, but I think we all have to be honest with ourselves, and admit that Dragnegoak was just a little bit better than Petriarch
Xous said:
Exactly, me entering a contest should not be a big deal.

However, that's never how it goes - someone always has to say something like "Oh gosh, Xous entered", and then the voting is always called into question, because people seem to have a bias for my art. (Not saying that's right or wrong, that's just the case.)

Anyway, the contests won't suffer with me not entering, so it's no big deal. :3 (If my post made it seem like a big deal, I apologize. xD That wasn't my intent.)

i was going to add something to my analogy about you being snoop dogg with your entry but the point was moot :p

just know none of my upsetness has ever been with you, dude, only with various possible biases in the contest.

I looked back at why this argument was started, and I have to say, this is really childish. Petriarch took second. It was really good (and I voted for this one as well), and I actually think it deserved to take second place. Why can't you just be happy with that? Instead of having to complain. Clearly Petriarch and Dragnegoak were the two best, but I think we all have to be honest with ourselves, and admit that Dragnegoak was just a little bit better than Petriarch

thanks for the completely unnecessary, opinionated input on something that has already been dropped! it really makes all the difference.
I kinda think people should HAVE to vote for 3. It's kinda annoying when people see one that's good (this happened last round, too) then just immediately vote for that one. Since we have the ability to vote for three, everybody should, ya dig? Anyway, that's my opinion.
Xous, don't be sorry. You made yours well. It's not you that we have a problem with. Hatred at sinraven and boddy903 and safariblade ;) Everyone else, good job, also good luck next round.

always hating of the disc,
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