Ruling a few questions, a bit random.


Aspiring Trainer
1) A friend and i wanted to know how many times per turn you can retreat?

2) If you find yourself not drawing enough energy during a game, would it be wiser to take out an energy and throw in a energy search in its place?(i know there are better cards for this, like roseanne's) This effect can be multiplied E.I.- my buddy has 17 water enregy, hardly drew any. should he take out four {W} energy and throw in four energy searches?

3) How long are games at tournaments supposed to be? (E.I.- CC's BR's and States?) Are they all timed? I heard from one source it was five minutes, but that was WAAAYYY too short when i timed me and a friend...
You can retreat once per turn. Going to the Bench via an attack, Trainer/Supporter/Stadium card, Poke-Power, or any other effect does not count as retreating - only performing the retreat action by announcing you're retreating and paying the Pokemon's Retreat Cost counts as retreating.

If you're not drawing into your Energy, replacing them with Energy Search won't help. Imagine they're Energy - if you draw it, you would have drawn an Energy instead. Have your friend add more cards that actually draw cards. Seventeen is borderline overkill - he should have no problems at all with finding Energy.

I can't answer your third question accurately, so I'll leave that for someone else. I can say that five minutes is most definitely not the time limit, though...
1) Agreed with PMJ

2) Energy search is essentially a redundant card. All it does basically if you add 4 to your deck, it makes your deck 4 cards smaller, since you play it and draw one card.
I do have a trick with energy search that's a little unrelated. It has to do with uxie's set up poke power. With his power you want to have as small of a hand as possible when you play him, and he's usually played early game when possible. So i run 4 energy search and only 8 energy (with the new PT rampardos) because i don't need very much energy for my attacks (1 or 2.) Before playing uxie I would use any energy search cards. If I've already played an energy or already have one in my hand, I simply search my deck like the card says and choose to not take out any energy cards. This works because in Pokemon TCG, the cards and players technically have no knowledge of whats in your deck. So it makes my hand smaller and i draw an extra card with uxie. Or if I do need an energy and dont have one, I just grab one as normal.

3) 40 minutes is the amount of time given at tournaments. It's shorter for the pre-release tournaments because those are 40 card decks.
40 Minutes! Good to know. When we tried playing a five minute game we had to rush to play about 4 turns. lol
40 Minutes is for single-game play. 45 Minutes for Match Play (Best of Three). 60 Minutes for Match Play in the Top Cut of a tournament. Those are the standard times.
Prereleases go for 20 to 30 minutes. Mostly 30.
Thank you everyone. One last question pertaining to question number one (heheh...#1).
PMJ had said that you can retreat only once per turn, however he also said if because of a stadium it would not count as your pokemon's retreat. I play a darkness deck and use moonlight stadium. I belive this applies to my retreat cost and therefore i cannot retreat twice to get rid of a special condition? right?
Moonlight Stadium effects a Pokemon's Retreat Cost. It doesn't actually move your Pokemon to the Bench, just effects how much you have to pay to retreat.

If you retreat and pay nothing (through Moonlight Stadium's effect), you have still retreated and can no longer retreat during that turn.

If there was a Stadium that let each player move his Active to the Bench once per turn, that would not count as retreating.